
Please rate and fix my ygo deck? Give suggestions on what to take out and what to put in.?

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Monsters- Luster dragon, Familiar Possessed aussa, wynn and eria,BlackLuster Soldier,marauding captain,e- hero wildheart, little winguard,chiron the mage bladedge,2 dark blades, gearfried the iron knight, ninja grandmaster sasuke, spirit reaper, cyber tech alligator,mattazza the zapper, mysterious guard, man eater bug, wall of illusion, armed dragon lv5, luster dragon, sonic duck, kuriboh,Zure knight of dark world. spells- mst nobleman of crossout monster reborn swords of revealin light, preme, fissure, smash ground,heavy storm, lightning vor, tribute to doomd, blr,blk pend, malove nuzz, wbfb traps, compu;sry2, negate attack, draining shield,trap hol,dus tor,sakeretsu2,rising energy, g- bind




  1. Don't have a mixed deck focus on one or two kinds per deck they are way more effective.

  2. Well, this deck has so many types. Just try and base it on 1 and go from there. For example Batteryman, Crystal Beasts, Lightsworns, Darkworld, Macro, etc. If you come up with a type you want to play with email me and I will give you a decklist.

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