
Please rate and fix my yugioh deck please do it?

by Guest62832  |  earlier

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Please rate and fix my yugioh deck?

total cards :42

tribute monsters

caius the shadow monarch x3

mobius the frost monarch x3

thesthalos the firestorm monarch x2

raiza the storm monarch

cyber dragon x2

the tricky

Gorz the emissary of darkness

non tribute monsters

Gravekeeper's spy x2

snipe hunter



neo spacian grand mole

treeborn frog

spell striker

morphing jar


shared soul x2

brain control

premature burial

monster reborn

lightening voltex

swords of revealing light

heavy storm

united we stand

fiend's sanctuary


solemn judgement x3

dimension wall x2

ojama trio


torrential tribute

magic cylinder

mirror force

maybe you might say that there are a lot of tribute monsters but actually there is only 9 of them ,the last 4 i have hardly ever tribute summonned them ,well please just rate it and fix it also , and please give me an idea for a side deck also





  1. Actually a pretty good deck. It is kind of in need of some traps like Trap Hole, Thunder of Ruler, Acid Trap Hole, and Negate Attack. Those stall traps including the ones you have will be great. I rate it so far 9/10 add those and some better ATK monster Like Skilled Dark Magician, all the Familiar Posessed, and Kycoo might help the rating to a 10/10.

  2. its ok but you have some Forbidden cards if you want 2 play to in Tournaments.

  3. there is a card that you need to take out its ojama trio plus put since you have neo spacian grand mole i think you should put in some more take out snipe hunter and put in

    monster-red eyes black dragon, summoned skull well i cant list them all plus get some fusions

  4. you have a very good deck but i think that you should put in some cards like negate attack and sakuretus armor i would give would deck a 9/10

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