
Please rate and/or fix my unnamed deck

by  |  earlier

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i just came up with this deck today from what i've seen it's pretty sweet it kicks my main decks butt so rate or fix it and give some helpful comments no sarcasim.

Monsters 25

Majestic Mech Goryu

Guardian Angel Joan

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 x2

Felgrand Dragon

Tyrant Dragon

Light and Darkness Dragon

Darkblaze Dragon

Masked Dragon x2

Kaiser Sea Horse x2

Interplanetary Invader "A" x2

Destiny Hero Dasher

The Creator Incarnate

The Creator

Herald of Creation

Spear Cretin

Twin Headed Behemoth

Snipe Hunter

Decoy Dragon

Morphing Jar

Flame Ruler

Spells 16

Monster Reborn

Cup of Ace x2

Foolish Burial

Lightning Vortex

Premature Burial


Soul Exchange

Brain Control


The Shallow Grave

A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon

Big Bang Shot

Mausoleum of the Emperor x2

Mystic Wok

Traps 8

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Draining Shield

Sanguine Swamp

Destruction Jammer

Magic Jammer

Dust Tornado

Malevolent Catastrophe




  1. when using spear cretin, use at least 2 AND use "card of safe return"

    this way, they act as a sponge for attacks ; when one is attacked, its always replaced by another, and u get to draw

    throw in "level modulation" ; that way u can use "foolish burial" and drop horus lv8 into the grave and then summon him right away

    throw in "lord of d" or "king dragun" for protection

  2. 7/10,

    Firstly, I'd like to take out both mausoleum of the emperors, and brain control. Reasons for this is, well, 1000lps is a lot just for a tribute, (which could end up being the cause of your loss,) and take out brain control since 800lp is quite a lot of lps just to take control of a monster for 1 turn.

       Then I'd get horus lv 4 since he goes well with the other horus'es.

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