
Please rate/fix My Six Samurai Deck

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Monsters – 20

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai X3

Enishi, Shien’s Chancellor

Great Shogun Shien X3

The Six Samurai – Zanji X3

The Six Samurai – Yaichi X2

The Six Samurai – Irou X3

The Six Samurai – Kamon

Spirit of the Six Samurai X2

Cyber Dragon X2

Spells – 14

Six Samurai United X2

Reasoning X3

Reinforcement of the Army X2

Swords of Revealing Light

Monster Reborn

Brain Control

Mystical Space Typhoon

Heavy Storm

Lightening Vortex

Premature Burial

Traps – 6

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment X2

Bottomless Trap Hole X2

Side Deck – 15

The Six Samurai – Kamon

The Six Samurai – Yariza

D.D Crow X2

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Cold Wave X2

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror X2

Light-Imprisoning Mirror X2

Royal Decree X2

Dust Tornado X2




  1. good good i rekon u should use all of the samiri's otherwize 9.5/10!!!

  2. Cold Wave as a tech is insane^_^. I am personally not a fan of swords.

    I'd give a 9/10

    Monsters: 18

    x3 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

    x3 Great Shogun Shien

    x1 Enishi, Shien's Chancellor

    x3 Six Samurai - Zanji

    x3 Six Samurai - Irou

    x2 Six Samurai - Yaichi

    x1 Six Samurai - Kamon

    x2 Cyber Dragon

    Spells: 16

    x3 Cold Wave

    x3 Reasoning

    x2 Six Samurai United

    x2 Reinforcement of the Army

    x1 Monster Reborn

    x1 Premature Burial

    x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    x1 Lightning Vortex

    x1 Heavy Storm

    x1 Smashing Ground

    Traps: 6

    x3 Solemn Judgment

    x1 Mirror Force

    x1 Torrential Tribute

    x1 Trap Dustshoot

    If you don't have a 3rd Solemn then I guess a Bottomless or Dim Prison should suffice.

    Hope this Helped!

  3. good deck i seen one like this 2nd place the other day and here's some suggestions...

    only use 2 irous - maybe replace one for either another spirit or kamon

    if u have it a 3rd solemn is needed instead of TT (TT is anti-swarm)

    If you cant get a 3rd solemn then maybe use my body as a shield

    other than that - good build and maybe try and get another cold wave in your side deck

    Hope i helped :-)

    plz take a look at my deck;...

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