
Please rate my 'deckout' deck...?

by Guest67203  |  earlier

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Hi. This is my deckout deck. Please rate/fix.

Monster (20)

3x Cliff the trap remover

3x Don Zaloog

1x morphing jar

3x Needle worm

3x morphing jar #2

3x Penguin Soldier

1x Sangan

3x Mytic Tomato

Spell (13)

2x Book of Moon

1x Swords of Reavealing Light

1x Level Limit Area - B

2x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Card Destruction

3x Darkness Approaches

3x Gravekeeper's servant

Trap (7)

3x Assault of GHQ

1x Mirror Force

1x Backup Soldier

1x Gravity Bind

1x Robbin Zombie




  1. First, it's Mill not Deckout.

    Deckout is the term while Mill is the deck type.

    Your deck looks fine. Add Mask of Restrict to protect you from monarchs and add either

    Waboku or Threatening Roar x3.

    Remove Backup Soldier, it only brings back

    normal monsters.

    Your deck is very good against lightsworn.

  2. It looks pretty good, except take out Backup Soldier. You can't use it because all the monsters in your deck are effect monsters, and Backup Soldier specifically says "except monsters with effects" or "except Effect monsters". You may want to put in a Spirit Reaper and a Marshmallon. You may also want to increase the size of your deck to guarantee that you deck out your opponent even if he gets rid of your needle worms. You could also use 3 Messenger of Peace if you want. I really don't think that Cliff or Don is important. If you want, just put in one more Robbing Zombies and 3 Destiny Hero - Defender and 3 Obsidian Dragons. I'm pretty sure Robbin' Zombie would activate if your DEF outpoints the opponent's ATK. Also, try adding 3 Cup of Ace and maybe even a Tour of Doom. With Cup of Ace, either you draw 2 cards (very good) or your opponent draws 2 cards (it is milling them). Tour of Doom says "During each of your opponent's Standby phases, flip a coin. *Heads: Your opponent cannot normal summon or flip summon until the End Phase. *Tails: You cannot normal summon or flip summon during your next turn." It's good, because you usually don't Normal or Flip Summon, only "Set". Also, now you don't need ROTA. I'll keep Darkness Approaches in the deck. Anyway, if you follow all my suggestions, the deck would look like this:

    Mill Deck: 47

    Monsters: 22

    1 Morphing Jar

    3 Needle worm

    3 Morphing Jar #2

    3 Penguin Soldier

    1 Sangan

    3 Mystic Tomato

    3 Obsidian Dragon

    3 Destiny Hero - Defender

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Marshmallon

    Spells: 17

    3 Cup of Ace

    2 Book of Moon

    1 Swords of Revealing Light

    1 Level Limit Area B

    1 Card Destruction

    3 Darkness Approaches

    3 Gravekeeper's Servant

    3 Messenger of Peace

    Traps: 8

    1 Tour of Doom

    3 Assault on GHQ

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Gravity Bind

    2 Robbin' Zombie

    Luckily you have 3 Morphing Jar #2 in the deck, can each one can strip a few Spells/Traps out of your deck. You may not like my taste of cards, but this is my idea of your deck.

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