
Please rate my 5-turn or less kill yugioh deck?

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I recentcy build a deck that very much suits my style so far i have not been beaten and was wondering if you guys have suggestions to improve my deck to be tournament worthy.


Dark Magician of Chaos


Skull Archfiend of Lightning

Chaos Command Magician

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Gemini Elf x3

Slate Warrior x2

Skilled Dark Magician x2

Vorse Raider

Luster Dragon

Meiku Master of Barriersx2

D.D. Assailant

Penguin Soldier

Reflect Bounder

Mechanical Chaser

needle worm

Silent Magician level 4

Silent Magician level 8



Mage Power

lightning vortex

Premature burial

axe of despair

Brain control

Swords of revealing light

United we stand

Nobleman of crossout

Mystical space typhoon

Monster reborn

Shield Crush

Heavy Storm

Double Spell


Magic Cylinder

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Negate Attack

Horn of Heaven

Bottomless traphole

Spell shield type 8 x2

7 tools of the bandit

Sakuretsu Armour

Blast held by a tribute





  1. BEST DECK EVER 10/10

  2. 4/5 i dont think it is perfect yet.

  3. not even close to a 5 turn kill if you played a skilled player. its ok but not a killer.

  4. The deck is way too unfocused and wouldn't last 5 turns against a skilled player. 1/5

  5. the names look and sound kool 5/5

  6. take out penguin soldier.needle worm and axe of despaire.put in the 3 spinxes oops.their pretty bad ***.theirs a small chance that with certain magic trap and spell cards and the 3 spinxes that u can beat the egyptian god cards.

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