
Please rate my Macro Cosmos deck?

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Here it is

Monsters: 20

3 Caius

1 Destiny Hero Plasma

1 DMoC

1 Jinzo or Darklord Zerato

3 D.D Survivor

2 D.D Scout Plane

2 D.D Assailant

1 D.D Warrior Lady

1 Snipe Hunter

2 Exiled Force

1 Morphing Jar

2 Banisher of the Radiance

Spells: 13

3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

2 Enemy Controller

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

Traps: 7

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Bottomless Trap Hole

1 Escape from the Dark Dimension

Rate 1-10 and give Improvements




  1. add helios the promedial sun,helios duo,helios trio ill give it 6

  2. try something more like my deck, it should give you some ideas:;...

  3. 9 out of ten you need more traps dude i suggest 2x woboku 1x mirror force and 2x bottomless trap hole

  4. Don't listen to Phenom.  Keep those Dimensional Fissures in. If anything, add another Cosmos. You want that removal agent on the field ASAP.

    If anything,

    -1 Escape from the Dark Dimension

    -1 Sakuretsu Armor

    -2 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

    +3 Solemn Judgment

    +1 Mirror Force

    I would also advise against Monster Reborn, but the card itself is so freaking broken, that it's just begging to be used.

    But you're biggest problem is the lack of any draw power and protection for your RFG cards. Thus the Solemns. Dark Bribe is also a great addition to the Cosmos deck. I like the single return. I won tournaments because I could bring back a massive 1 turn strike of D.D's and removed monarchs.

  5. right now its a 6/10. i would take out banisher of the radiance and add dd warrior. also add soul absorption and take out 2 dimensional fissures because u already have 2 macro cosmos in your deck. also add a monster reborn that card really comes in handy. as for traps, add draining shield and dimension wall.

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