
Please rate my Yu-Gi-Oh D.A.D deck?

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Monsters -20

x3 Dark Armed Dragon

x2 Jinzo

x2 Darklord Zerato

x2 Destiny Hero Dasher

x2 Destiny Hero Fear Monger

Promethues, King of Shadows

x2 Armageddon Knight


Despair From The Dark

Strike Ninja

Destiny hero Disk Commander

Elemental Hero Stratos

Element Doom

Spells -14

x2 Reinforcement of the Army

x2 Allure of Darkness

x2 Destiny Draw

x2 Reasoning

Mystik Wok

Premature Burial

x2 lightning Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon

Tribute To The Doomed


x2 Escape from the dark dimension

Return from a different dimension

Torrential tribute

Rainbow Life






  1. Despite the other person's harsh words he's right. I'll go section by section and will help as best I can. I'll post a decklist at the end. I am making this deck assuming that you don't own a Crush Card. The deck would look a little different with a Crush Card, though.

    Monsters -20

    x3 Dark Armed Dragon

    x2 Jinzo(one is fine)

    x2 Darklord Zerato(not as useful as it once was. Remove all Copies)

    x2 Destiny Hero Dasher(remove all copies)

    x2 Destiny Hero Fear Monger(one is good)

    Promethues, King of Shadows(remove)

    x2 Armageddon Knight(remove all copies)


    Despair From The Dark(BAD card. Remove all copies)

    Strike Ninja

    Destiny hero Disk Commander

    Elemental Hero Stratos

    Element Doom(BAD card. Remove all copies)

    Spells -14

    x2 Reinforcement of the Army

    x2 Allure of Darkness

    x2 Destiny Draw(one more)

    x2 Reasoning(doesn't work in DAD, remove it.)

    Mystik Wok(BAD card. remove)

    Premature Burial

    x2 lightning Vortex(remove all copies)

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Tribute To The Doomed(BAD card. Remove)


    x2 Escape from the dark dimension(remove all copies)

    Return from a different dimension

    Torrential tribute

    Rainbow Life(BAD card. remove all copies)

    Waboku(side deck at best. Use threatening roar/legendary jujitsu master fo GB's)


    Monsters - 18

    3 Dark Armed Dragon

    2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

    2 D.D. Crow

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

    1 Sangan

    1 Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

    1 Dark Magician of Chaos

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    1 Jinzo

    1 Dark Grepher

    1 Strike Ninja

    1 Snipe Hunter

    1 Cyber Valley

    1 Morphing Jar

    Spells: 11

    3 Destiny Draw

    2 Allure of Darkness

    2 Reinforcement of the Army

    1 Premature Burial

    1 D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Monster Reborn

    Traps: 11

    3 Solemn Judgment

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    1 Mind Crush

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Return from a Different Dimension

    Hope this Helped!

  2. 3 things

    1 u dont have 3 dads man

    2 reasoning - wtf !

    3 this is a c**p dreck no d-hero malicious

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