
Please rate my Yu-Gi-Oh Virus Control Deck?

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Yeah just something I made in my spair time with my Japanese cards. Experienced players only!


x3 Peten the Dark Clown

x3 Summoned Skull

3x Giant Orc

2x Axe Dragonute

3x Vorse Raider

1x Mask of Darkness

1x Sangan

1x Spirit Reaper

2x Dark Scorpion Meanae the Thorn

1x Don Zaloog


x3 Malevolent Nuzzler

x2 Mystic Plasma Zone

x2 Shrink

x1 Swords of Revealing Light

x1 Nobleman of Crossout

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Monster Reborn


x2 Sakuretsu Armor

x2 Deck Devastation Virus

x2 Eradicator Epidemic Virus

x1 Crush Card Virus

x1 The Transmigration Prophecy





  1. Great deck mate, some really good monsters althought i think u need to add either a cyber dragon or a jinzo

  2. Looks like a great deck.  One that I've wanted to make for a long while, but couldn't get the EEV.  Not much I would do to this deck.  There are a few changes though.  For starters, this deck relies on your traps so I would add another Mask of Darkness and maybe a Book of Moon to flip him face-down when attacked.  There are also some great support cards for this deck from Force of the Breaker.  You should definitely try to get 3 Sword of Dark Rites to replace your Malevolent Nuzzlers.  They would help this deck out so much.  You should also try 2 or 3 Mist Archfiends to maybe replace your 3 Summoned Skulls.  Another good one is Lich Lord, King of the Underworld.  Works perfect in this deck as you will be tributing alot of cards via your traps effects.  Hope this helps.

  3. ( 8.0 out of 10 )

    d**n...that looks pretty kickass bro...I'm hungry.

  4. It's a powerful deck! You're the one I am looking for!

    8.9 out of 10

    But try this... i've change some cards to improve the deck....


    x3 Peten the Dark Clown

    x3 Summoned Skull

    3x Giant Orc

    2x Axe Dragonute

    3x Vorse Raider

    1x Mask of Darkness

    1x Sangan

    1x Spirit Reaper

    2x Dark Scorpion Meanae the Thorn

    1x Don Zaloog


    x3 Sword of the Dark Destruction

    x3 Mystic Plasma Zone

    x1 Smashing Ground

    x1 Swords of Revealing Light

    x1 Nobleman of Crossout

    x1 Heavy Storm

    x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    x1 Monster Reborn


    x1 Magic Cylinder

    x1 Magic Jammer

    x2 Deck Devastation Virus

    x2 Eradicator Epidemic Virus

    x1 Crush Card Virus

    x1 Mirror Force

    This may improve the deck,

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