
Please rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck in a 1-10 scale and give me some tips and things I should fix. Thanks!

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Main Deck:

Ancient Elf X1

Messenger of Peace X1

Burning Land X1

Mystical Space Typhoon X3

Grave Protector X1

Dora of Fate X1

Master Kyonshee X1

Toll X1

Trap Master X1

Kiryu X1

Mysterious Puppeteer X1

Enchanted Javelin X1

Mr. Volcano X2

Inferno X1

Change of Heart X1

Waboku X2

Turtle Oath X1

Crab Turtle X1

Bottomless Shifting Sand X1

Block Attack X1

Poison of the Old Man X1

Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 X1

A Legendary Ocean X1

Toon Summoned Skull X1

Manga Ryu-Ran X1

Toon World X1

Hamburger Recipe X1

Hungry Hamburger X1

Man Eater-Bug X3

Order to Smash X1

Offerings to the Doomed X1

Change of Heart X1

Slot Machine X1

Sword of Dark Destruction X1

Dust Tornado X1

Hyozanryu X1

Black Luster Soldier X2

Black Luster Ritual X2

Side Deck:

Jigen Bakudan X2

Summoned Skull X3

Blue Eyes White Dragon X1

Gaia the Fierce Knight X3

Armored Zombie X1

Sword of Soul-Eater X1

Overdrive X1

Dark Blade X1

Aitsu X1

Lava Golem X1




  1. Usually im nice when rating decks but good god man.....

    I hope your joking.

    if not, ur a insult to the game, or a little kid.(even tho its a childrens card game)

    the cards are all random, toons are hard to use, rituals are even harder.

    You dont follow the ban list, so your even lucky im answering.

    read the ban list, follow it, then make a deck,

    the best advice i can give is put all these cards aside, get a pen and paper, decide what strategy you want to use, then ask what kind of cards you should get for it. Also alot of the cards in this deck are from the starter decks, which alot of the cards are banned anyway. if you dont know the ban list go to and check

  2. if i were you id put atleast 2 cyber dragons and a few mirror force/dark mirror forces in your deck

  3. like a 1

    most cards are out of date and rituals lol nobody uses them and i think to many cards limit to 40-42 and take out toons

  4. First off I'm actually going to help you unlike the other guys did

    1.Take out all toon monsters

    2.Take out all ritual monsters

    3.Follow the ban list STRICTLY

    4.Don't use obvious 2 card combos

    5.Limit tribute monsters to 2

    6.Take out"Legendary Ocean" you hardly have water monsters

    7.Get a main theme to your deck.

    all toghether this deck gets a 2 out of 10 use these steps dude.

  5. yea ummm wow there is like no stratigies in this deck at all try to find a solid Dark world monsters,a fire deck,water something that all the cards will work with each you need to follow the ban list.but if your ever going to build something based on spellcasters....prepare to spend some money ill give it a 2/10 just for trying

  6. 1/10

    first of all, you deck DOES NOT follow the ban list.

    second, it has no central theme and the cards don't support each other and most of the cards are random

    third have more than one type of ritual monster in the same deck will ensure many if not all dead draws. you will be defeated before you even get any monster out

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