“The Kite Runner†by Khahled Hosseni is a haunting story of friendship between two Afghan boys, on the opposite ends of a sociopolitical hierarchy. Hassan is a poor, illiterate Hazara whereas Amir is a wealthy Pashtun.They grew up together as friends, despite their different personalities, backgrounds and classes the boys were close. The adolescent boys had a seemingly unbreakable bond that was destroyed by tragedy. On the day of Kabul’s annual winter kite flying contest, Hassan ran after the wining kite to take to Amir's father as a trophy. After anxiously awaiting for Hassan to return, Amir sets out in search of his friend. He finds Hassan cornered in a deserted alley being brutally and mercilessly raped by a gang of Pashtuns.Ashamed by his silence Amir cuts Hassan out of his life. Amir later flees the Taliban to go to America after the Soviets invasion. In America, Amir starts a whole new life, gets married and becomes a successful writer. Despite the years that go by and the accomplishments gained. Amir cannot get past the guilt he thought leaving Afghanistan would absolve him from. Eventually in attempts to redeem himself, Amir, goes to Afghanistan the rescue Hassan’s son Sohrab, who is an orphan sold to an official in Taliban.After a fight with a Taliban official, Sohrab was adopted by Amir and taken to America. There Amir and his wife raise Sohrab, finally putting his years of guilt to rest.