1 being omg you will never get it, 10 being your on the right track.
Small History: Somehow I guessed my way and avoided math at all costs and was tested last year to have a 5th grade math level which shocked me I was thinking more of 3rd grade, because long ago in 4th grade I was awesome at math but it got harder to the point I promised to never learn or try again since failing at it too many times.
Now in college........lol I said I guessed my way....anyway, for the past two weeks I have given math another chance since I don't have a choice and can't guess my way out of this one! I have a total of four months to get basic math before advancing to the next level.
1) For three days I learned by memory my 2 times table...yes I could do times on paper but never by memory and 0's and 1's, 11's and 5's are no brainers and today am on three's and getting there. I could of learned my 2's in two days (I study when I get time) but had a fear of going to the next number of times which was 3.
I believe learning my times table by memory will help me greatly and I have to finish college or I have no reason to live, college is my life and been passing greatly but in a few months math will return..................do you believe I will know basic math by then which inculdes..times, adding and subtracting (yes I can add and subtract lol) divison,fractions,and some Geomenty?
Please rate, and again be honest