
Please rate my zombie deck?

by  |  earlier

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Skull Servant

King of the Skull Servants

The Lady in Wight x 2

Spirit Reaper


Vampire Lady

Regenerating Mummy x 2

Fear From the Dark

Return Zombie

Reborn Zombie

Dark Valkyria

Armageddon Knight

Malice Doll of Demise

Ryu Kokki

Despair From the Dark

Zombie Tiger

Poison Mummy x 2

Pyramid Turtle

Master Kyonshee

Royal Keeper

Giant Axe Mummy

Book of Life

Brain Control

Call of the Mummy

Card Destruction


Premature Burial

The Shallow Grave

Mystic Plasma Zone

Monster Reborn

A Hero Emerges


Deck Devastation Virus

Dark Spirit Art - Greed

Dark Illusion

Just Desserts

Rising Energy

Vanity's Call

Zoma the Spirit




  1. Ok this deck needs work, but don't get discouraged, zombie cards are relativley cheap. First thing I notice when I look at this is that this isn't really a zombie deck, you have cards that don't belong in here. I'll make you a simple zombie deck list, you try your best to get those cards or atleast build around your own deck to try and mold it into the one I post.

    vampire lord x3

    pyramid turtle x3

    zombie master x2

    spirit reaper

    ryu kokki x2

    skull servant x3

    king of the skull servants x3

    the lady in the wight x3

    call of the mummy x3

    book of life x3

    monster reborn

    premature burial

    smashing ground


    mystical space typhoon

    heavy storm

    lightning vortex x2

    nobleman of crossout

    dark illusion x2

    sakaretsu armor x3

    I'm making you this deck on budget, all together the deck should cost about 15-20 dollars.

    Good luck and happy dueling! :]

  2. Zero

  3. Excellent Zombie deck, lol!!!!

  4. I say 3 stars out of 5 or 6 ot of 10.Zombie decks are not very good though so try to make a new one.

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