
Please read,be patient i do have a point?

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If you don't like certain things in your according to you chart?

how can you change that?

each person chart makes a combination that effects your character.

if they work against to,how can you change that or are we stuck for life.

as Scorpio sun cancer rising. and Aries moon.

i feel (emotionally) clingy and needy which a pain in the ... if you have never had a family to give you that growing up .which made worst. i takes me forever to connect with someone then i suffocate them with attention.

how can i change this pattern?

as a teenage i forwarded this attention to my friends and had unlimited friends circle. but now i want that from one person only and can't get it.

i work as a free lancer. so each time i finish a job i had hard time letting go of each group i worked with. how can i get rid of this emotional tendincie to CLING to others.

yes, my parent seprated before i was born. and my mom is the most deathched person you will ever meet. but hat is in the past. what can i do NOW?




  1. You seem to be like me...never having the attention at an early age.. dont get me wrong. My parents did all for me, but emotionally they werent there. U need to just stop being so trusting in people and learn to be a little standoffish. I know that seems wrong but take a step back from the group or person you are with and see what they are really like. I do this to see if I really like the person or if I just want the love they seem to be showing me. sometimes it is genuine sometimes its not. So  just hover above the relationship that U are in an d see if U can tell that U are loved for who U are and not for some other reason be it beauty or what not.

  2. You should see a psychologist.  You obviously have some serious issues from the lack of affection you experienced growing up.

  3. Astrology has never been scientifically proven so to dwell on your sign is meaningless.

  4. First, you throw out the chart, as it confuses

    Second, you realize that astrology is an artificial system, based on someone else's ideas (these are NOT facts, merely ideas) about "influences"

    Third, change is within you. Only you can decide that you must change and stop being so clingy. You need to do constant self-diagnosis until you relearn how to act and react around people so they don;t run from you.

    Tough, you bet, but it can be done

  5. Like the first person said, astrology means nothing when it comes to human behavior.

    You know you are clingy because of a lack of affection in your past.  That was your PAST and stop dwelling on it as you have only your future for the rest of your life that you can influence by the actions you do today.

    You also can't blame your parent's divorce for your unhappiness.  They had reasons to do what they did in the past.  Now you need to work on your present and your future. Some of the most successful people in life come from broken homes:  look at Michael Phelps.

    Being in need of human interaction, being needy also means you hate rejection.  We all have that.  What you need is more self-esteem.  Work on your strengths, work on a positive attitude and perhaps find a faith that will be your rock in hard times.  Faith helps people through hard times a lot better than any astrology ever will.

  6. Well firstly learn to accept who you are(it's easier said than done i know) but accept it and make peace with it.

    Secondly every person has a group of friends who are his/her support system, keep those friends close as you can lean on them whenever u need to.

    You are lucky cause you have already identfied your problem when you say ' it takes me forever to connect with someone then i suffocate them with attention'.

    Taking your time to connect with someone is not a bad thing it gives you more time to get to know a person and make a better choice 'slow and steady wins the race'.

    You suffocate them with attention cause you are insecure you might lose them, i wont sugar coat this, you might lose that person but that is life and thats a chance you have to take.

    Be strong and give your partner the space they deserve and be yourself, they will love you for who you are,if they dont its their loss.

    Your a free lancer and will shift jobs frequently so enjoy your time with the people you work with and then when it comes time to move on make your peace with it and look foward to meeting new people and taking on new challenges.

    If you dont enjoy doing that find a steady job.

    Always keep your best friends( your support system) close to you.

    And remember its never over till its over, if something goes wrong or doesn't work out its not the end of the world, there is always a tommorow when u can make things right and laugh about what happend before, trust me i know!

    best of luck, be happy!

  7. First of all you need to understand that a true astrological reading takes weeks to compile. It is based on the exact time, the exact location of your birth. The silly little charts that you are reading are so generalized that you should put no credence in them whatsoever. You as an individual are not the sum of a chart.

    Now think about the way you have chosen to live your life. Despite the fact that you would like to connect with others you have chosen to work freelance thus insuring that bonds will not be established. And when bonds are established you try to push the people you have connected with away by being overly attentive. In your own way you are making sure that you are as detached as your mother but YOU have an excuse! Yes you can change. Indenfiy your negative actions and work at turning them into positive actions.

  8. Maybe you should try actually using your own abilities to determine what you need emotionally and not just say 'as a scorpio sun cancer rising and aries moon i feel *this*'

    You have control over your emotions, u and no one or nothing else.

  9. As others have said, toss the astrology chart.

    In society we're always told that getting too close is bad.  Everyone needs their "space".  People tell you to put your child in their own bed in their own room from birth.  Other cultures don't do that.  If you think about it, it doesn't make sense.  There have been studies that show that frequent physical contact (cuddling) is very beneficial to babies, and of course just being around and interacting with them is beneficial too.  And so it would follow that it's beneficial to adults too.

    I'm just like you ... people call me clingy and tell me it's a bad thing.  But the way I see it, is that people who aren't clingy have grown too jaded and cold and are unable to get that close.  You need to find people like yourself.  They're out there ... I married a guy who is very "clingy".  We spent so much time together ... we just wanted to.  My marriage didn't work out, but that is not the reason why.  And if I had to choose again, I would find another "clingy" guy to marry.  You're never lonely and you always have someone to do things with.

    So maybe you need to quit being so critical of yourself.  You just need more love than others.  Try to surround yourself with people who are like you, and you will be much happier.

  10. I wasn't going to read this, but your gigantic b***s exerted a gravitational pull on my eyeballs and I was forced to do it.  

    Stop clinging.  Men will flock to you.

  11. find something else that you like to do go out on dates talk to guys on the phone workout hang out with your girlfriends at the mall

  12. Well, first of all, let me say that you sound like a very sweet person, and there is nothing wrong with seeking out close relationships. I think the majority of us all want and need close friends and family to help support, guide, care for and love us throughout our lifetime. And it sounds to me like you didn't get the affection that you needed while growing up which I am very sorry about. That is such an important part of feeling nurtured and loved..Your family is your first real connection while growing up, so I understand how you must feel when you meet someone that you really probably feel afraid that they are going to leave you and you will be alone or lonely and that is what sets off that clingy-ness for you I am sure...Start by giving yourself some positive affirmations. I am a good person, people genuinely like me. I try to help others whenever I can. Things to build up your confidence. Write down on a piece of paper things that you love about yourself...all of the positives about you in one column and on the other side, things about you that you would like to or need to change....Really take a good look and then set about some goals for yourself. Short-term goals and long-term goals.....I think you are going to be just only need to develop a little more self-confidence in yourself...You know, I know of a web site that I think would really help you..Do you allow emails? I will look after I finish my post and will contact you if you do ....Good luck sweetie....((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to you...Linda

    Edit: I see that you do not allow emails...if you still would like the information, you may email me....

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