
Please read.38 weeks pregnant..Worried...Is this an indication of labor? ?

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I have horrible horrible pelvic pain, to where my husband has to lift my legs for me to get into bed. When I walk I hunch over like a 95 year old man... Its horrible. My stomach also changed, he dropped a while ago but for the past week or so my stomach looks like i already had him he is so low. It basically hangs..

I have also been getting horrible head aches, and a lot of discharge. This is my first so and my mother in law had planned c sections for both so she cant help out much.

I have been 2 almost 3 cm. dilated for almost 3 weeks, and my cervix is completely soft. I lost my mucus plug completely 3 days ago.

Any Ideas? Close to any of your experiences?




  1. yup, you're about to POP. Better get the stuff ready

  2. Oh boy you sound like you're going to go anytime now! I think what you're experiencing is a lot of soreness in your ligaments in your groin from how much the baby has dropped. The baby is probably so low in your pelvis that its putting tremendous pressure down there. The soreness is not an indication of labor though. Most women feel miserable at the very end of pregnancy. I was very sore as well. I had to get help when I needed to get out of bed to pee in the middle of the night because my back was so sore. Good luck to you!!!

  3. Oh honey, welcome to the last days of pregnancy.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel and you are getting so close!

    I would guess the pain you are feeling is pressure from the baby moving low and settling into the birth canal.  You are so close to labor.  The end is near.  Even though it hurts to walk, it is good for you and will encourage delivery.  Keep your fluid intake up and your hospital bag nearby!  you will soon have the beautiful bundle in your arms.

    Good luck!

  4. Call the doc and ask.

    I never experienced that nor did any of my friends. But everyone is different and every baby is different.

    most likely the baby is just sitting on a nerve. the doc can prob tell you some stretching to do to move the baby.

  5. Honey me being a mother of 2 it sounds like you need to get to the hospital......I could be wrong but you sound miserable. :(  

    Call your Dr. and explain it all and see what she/he says.  If they say you aren't ready tell them to schedule you to be induced.

  6. yeah you should so go to the hospital they might have you walk around to induce labor but as long as your water doesnt break

  7. Why are you talking to us and not the doctor? Get to the hopital! If you are experiencing pain, you should not take any chances! Go!

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