
Please read! Is he just NOT THAT INTO ME?!!!?

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I met a guy off myspace (haha first time i've done that). We hung out most of a night, seemed to click, both had a good time. The entire time I felt like he was trying to impress me with his money and looks...which are quite fine. He ended up trying to get into my pants. I said I didn't want to have s*x with him because I'd literally just met him. I had to leave town for a week the following day. Before I left he he asked if he's see me again. He said he thought I was cool, s**y, etc. and would talk to me prob every day. So it's been a couple days. All we've done is have a few text convos, both of which were initiated by me. I'm not really sure what to think. Is he just not that into me? Was he after an easy lay? Am I over thinking it? Any advice would be great!!!




  1. Sounds like a sleeze ball, he was trying to get into your pants on the first date, wheew what a big surprise that is! If you are into this guy then just let him know what your intentions are but keep a level head. Some guys will tell you anything just to have s*x. If he is willing to wait then he is worth it. Good luck honey!

  2. He thought you were desperate enough to have s*x with him since you were desperate enough to met somebody on-line

  3. Get over him..honestly he is just using you for s*x..I have met people like this before! his first mistake was trying to sleep with you the first day you met!

  4. You already know you have to be careful of people you meet on the net because they could be after "one thing". You will just have to wait and see how it turns out. Carry on with the my space convos etc exactly as before, no different. He is playing you very well, ignoring you to make you feel exactly as you do, so you chase him and (he hopes) will sleep with him to get the nice warm closeness back again. Its sort of working, isnt it? I bet you've thought, what if I sleep with him, will he like me more then?

    Look at it this way. You have invested nothing in him, he is a voice from the net, you only met him once. If he turns out not to like you and to be only after casual s*x, you are safe behind your lap top and you have not yet done anything to regret. You have lost nothing and gained a valuable lesson if he does turn out to be an A hole. You are just a victim of well applied psychology at the moment, dont fall for it.  

  5. I suspect he was in it for s*x.  He may be mildly interested in you, but I don't know that he's willing to work at it; sounds like he was trying to find the quickest route to the intersection of your two legs.

    Don't text him for a while (maybe a week) and see what happens.  If he's not trying to communicate with you at all, that should give you some indication of what to expect if you were to be in a serious relationship with him.

  6. i wouldnt talk to him if i were you

  7. it's not that he's just not into you. he never really had any intention on getting to know who you are! he really just wanted to have s*x with you! men are the worst. Don't take this as a loss at all!

  8. i guess your first try on myspace ' was kinda strange . yea i think he was after your pants .

  9. my advice is dont meet up with someone that you find on myspace.

    it prolly never works, one of my friends have been tryin to find sum1 that way and it aint workin out at all.

    also my sis tried that she found a bunch of perves and a phyco

  10. I agree. I think he was just into it for the s*x. To be perfectly honest with you, girl, any guy who is into you will not try to have s*x with you on the first day. He may kiss you and ask if he can come into your apartment, and of course you should always say "no, maybe next time.", but they will not try to F- you right away. When you find the guy that is really into you, it will feel like you're hanging out with your best friend, only you feel really attracted to him. He will also never try to compromise your feelings or push you to do things that you don't want to do. Instead he will try to get to know you and impress you in other ways.

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