I have been quite concerned of my fitness in the past year..
i am 17 years old, 6ft 2 and weigh between 13 to 13.5 stone..
just under a year ago i was 6ft 1.5 but weighed between 12 to 12.5 stone
Now to the question.. i've been doing the bleep test reguarly recently on the local field and marked 20 meters.. my scores were 8.0, then 8.5, then 8.1. This was in the space of a few days.
But a year ago in the gym at college.. i got 11.0 in the bleep test and am really worried about my fitness levels as they've decreased 3 whole levels in the bleep test.
Although i have had a few cigarettes and have been very ill in the past year.. my scores recently have hardly developed.. is this normal?
Please help!
Much appreciated.. thanks!