
Please read and answer i really need some advice?

by  |  earlier

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would you be upsetwith your partner if he left you every single day practically with friends and on the days that he didnt he had people over?

How many times a week does yours go out?




  1. mine use to do that and i couldnt stand it. put your foot down tell him how you feel and it needs to calm down some

  2. One foot down and the other one up his *** !.. He needs to MAN UP or get the h**l out !! Don't let him get away with's time for him to grow up..he's 27 w/ 2 kids.

  3. If I were you, I'll be so upset. He should help you with kids and go out together with the kids and whole family. Or you two take turns to go out at night to be with friends. Or have grandparents help with kids and you two go out together. You are so young and you haven't see the world but stuck in the home with kids. That's not normal. So find a time, tell him what you tink and what you want. If he cares, he will meet your needs. If not, time to think your options. Good luck.

  4. It isn't normal.  Some time when you are both calm try to bring up the subject and see if he will give you a day and time when he stays with the kids and you are able to go out.  It might open his eyes to what you go through.  

  5. that's not normal, once you start a family it's time to change your life style and spend time with your family.  if he continues to do that, you should give a taste of his own medicine.  one night when he's sitting at home with his friends get your mom or someone to baby sit and get your self all ready to go and go to dinner or to the mall with a couple of girlfriends and see if he reacts and then maybe he'll see how it feels.  sometimes guys learn better from actions than "nagging" as they call it.  hope things work out for the best!  good luck!

  6. Don't start off by getting upset with him.  Try telling him how you feel, let him know you are not just his housekeeper, babysitter, maid, etc.  Explain to him how it feels to be left alone all the time with the kids and ask him how he would feel if you did what he did and he had to stay home all the time and do what you do.  (Ask him to put himself him your place and see how he would feel)  You do have a reason to be upset, this is not fair and he is taking advantage of your age and kindness.

  7. I'd be a little upset. Sure, he should have some freedom, but he should be at home, taking care of the kids so you can have a little freedom too. Talk to him about it. It sounds like he's just trying to skip out on his parental responsibilities.

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