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Has there been anything big going on with the stock market lately? I don't need to know exactly what it is, I just need to know if anything major has been happening, in order to confirm weather or not someone is lying to me.

My BF is a day trader, and he is putting off our trip due to something with the market, and for some reason, I am having suspisions.

Please excuse my unintelligence in this matter... =)




  1. Yes there is a lot of volatility esp the past week. Lehman has been getting clobbered, most likely he is making a killing on that (if he is a good trader).

  2. Oil is higher than ever...but there is no over riding issue in the market place (there very very rarely is).

    That being said, Day Traders tend to focus on only a small hand full of stocks that they know very very it is always possible that one of those particular stocks is undergoing something drastic.  

    And, it should be noted that such a volatile market is the perfect playground for Day Traders.

  3. There is always "something" going on in the stock market.  But it is usually impossible to determine the exact effect of an expected major event in advance.  If it was everyone would trade on that event, which would negate the benefit.

    A day trader trades with intraday swings, so big events are not as relevant to him as other traders.

    That said...if your BF is letting his trading interfere with his relationships that suggests:

    1.  His trading practices need to be adjusted.

    2.  His priorities need to be adjusted.

    3.  He is not committed to the relationships.

  4. Most stock brokers work up to 18 hours a day, some are lucky enough to work from home
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