
Please read... i need help with these dreams?

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lately i have been dreamin very graphic dreams about pple breaking into my house and trying to kill me when ever i try to run i walk in slow motion and canty get away. ive been having these all most every nite also i had a dream that ma mom died and i like kept cryin in the whole dream

just to let u no i have been going through a lot with an emotionalli abusive father i lost most of ma friends so i dont no if im just havin these dreams because of the S**t i have to go through or it means sommething else

but the weird thing is they arent nightmares i never had a nitemare i wake up fine but they get real disterbing




  1. First off, I'm sorry about the c**p you're going through dude. Definitely when we go through horrible things & when life is stressful it will effect our sleep and how we dream (because those negative thoughts are embedded deep in there, along with everything else). The best thing you can do to get rid of these dreams would probably be to try & find an outlet to vent. Or some way to relax your mind just before you go to sleep. Listening to music maybe, or whatever it is that you like to do.

    The reason you are walking in slow motion in your dreams, and you can't get away, is because you feel trapped right now in real life. You feel powerless & weighted down by what is going on around you b/c you essentially have no control over the other people. You do however have control over yourself, remember that, you can someday get away from this c**p & leave it all behind you forever.

    When you say you lost most of your friends I don't know if you mean friendships broke up, or people died...either way, this could be the reason for the murder dreams.

    Houses are usually symbolic of ourselves, our own persons. Your house is being broken into, so in essence that means that you are being broken into - this c**p is eating you away and it's manifesting itself into break-in/murder dreams.

    Your Mom must be a very important person to you, this is why you cried so hard for her when she died in the dream. You must rely on her, she must be a rock of some sort - to have her die means your world is turning upside down, currently you must feel like your world is turning upside down - or if your father is abusive to your mother (and to you) then you could also feel like he's verbally 'killing' you & your mother, so murder ends up happening in your dreams, even though he's not the one doing it. You could also subconsciously be afraid that your father has the potential of killing you or your mother, and this is why you are so terrified as well when your mother dies.

    Disturbing dreams might as well just equal nightmares. You don't feel rested afterwards, and they leave you thinking some pretty 'effed up thoughts.


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