
Please read i would like to thank every one and tell my news?

by  |  earlier

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on feb this year i had a miscarrage i was so upset it before during and after i was using yahoo answers constantly and found the advice and sympathetic words really helpful and comferting and was good to know people understood and could relate well anyways two weeks ago i took my usal monthly preg test expecting another neg and couldnt beleve my eyes when i seen those two little lines they were faint but there for the next week i continued to test and the lines got darker and darker i thinks now i am about 6 weeks i visited my doctor and she confirmed it a couple days ago so i just wanted to let everyone know my news and say a big thank you to everyones advice and send lots of baby dust to everyone who needs it thanks again xxxx




  1. Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful and healthy pregnancy!

  2. That is GREAT!!! CONGRATS!!

  3. :) That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very happy for you and wish you a wonderful pregnancy!!!!!! Good luck and now you get to go to the pregnancy forum for advice! lol Baydust to us all ttc...

  4. WOW! YOU'RE REALLY LUCKY! it only means that having a baby is really for you.. there's just really a right time for everything!! CONGRATS, continue praying!

  5. Awwww shell that's great news CONGRATULATIONS sorry for yelling jumps and down and dances round the room once again congrats.

  6. Congradulations!!! take care of yourself and good luck

  7. Congrats!!!!!!  

  8. Congrats!!! I pray that everything goes well for you and a very healthy pregnancy. Please send all the baby dust you can TTC #2. Please keep us updated. once again congratulations.

  9. congrats!!!!!!! :)

  10. congrats- here's to a healthy pregnancy!

  11. Congrats!!!

  12. happy pregnancy to u............


  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!  


    That's SO exciting!!!!!!!

  16. yay!!! congrats to u!!! :o)

  17. many many congratulations and welcome to motherhood. Heres hoping you have a restful and trouble free pregnancy and enjoy every minute of the growing of your son or daughter. At last a happy ending on YA. xx

  18. big fat congratulations to go with that bfp

    goodluck look after yourself

  19. That's wonderful news! Congratulations and I wish you all the best.

  20. Oh my god, CONGRATULATIONS!

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