
Please read it a freind story?

by  |  earlier

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So anyway me an my friends diced to go to the movies after school so my mom then tells me she dosent mind but it took like 5 whole minutes to get them in the car so then we stop by at my friends house so he could get some money an my other friend accompanies him so they take 5 minutes an then when we our on our way to the movies thay pull out two dr. peppers and they didnt bring me one our ask me if i wanted one so when we get to the movies i buy a ticket and then i didnt see them and i thougt they bought a ticket so i just walk in and i saw them so we just play games at the arcade so when we get there i ask him what time is it the movie starts at 4:45 and then they say its 5:00 dumb*** so i just go straight to the movie watch it and when i go to use the bathroom they said how could you ditch us and i was think but i bought a ticket and i didnt wanna waste my money then they said fine will forgive you if you open the door on the side so i open it and they tell me go check the time when this movie starts so i go and check and i deiceded to buy something to eat for all of us one of me friends go impatient got caught and me friend said that we had to open the side door again for him but then i say now and finish the rest of the movie i paid for then they got we got caught and they got angry at me and blamed it all on me then i said i was sorry but they still wouldnt forgive me they mayed me pay them and get to my knees and when we got to school the next week they say that i betrayed them and that i was wrong for everything so pleas tell me was i wrong for doing what i did and are they good friends or not!!




  1. You was not wrong, only for letting them talk you into doing something that was wrong. you need to drop them as friends, you don't need them. find some new true friends, they sound like they are jealous of you, and as far as getting on your knees, you should of did that to prove nothing to them, who cares if they don't forgive you. you just keep on doing what you are doing. and leave them two alone. you deserve much better friends then them. just move on find some friends that won't get you in trouble. move on drop them.

  2. they are total buttmonkeys and you need better friends

  3. Sounds like you have some selfish friends. Don't hangout with them anymore until they apologize for their rude behavior.  And don't open the side door at movie theater for anyone. its like stealing. its not worth the trouble. if your friends want to see movie they should pay like everyone else. Time to make new friends.

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