
Please read! period question!?

by Guest63322  |  earlier

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my period is pissing me off! my last period was july 31st....and i am getting such bad PMS right now and i have gained 7 pounds and my b***s hurt SO BAD i can't even lay on them and i am so on the edge if someone brushes me the wrong way i will freakin snap at them! and whenever i drink (alcohol) it makes me feel carsick or when i eat certain foods. has anyone else had PMS this bad?

ok a couple things first....i am there any way i could be pregnant? me and my bf use condoms and we have checked them and they have never broken....and 7 pounds is a lot for me i am only 5'1 and i usually don't weigh over 112 but last night i weighed 123!!! help! ideas?




  1. Aw bless your suffering badly, give a call to your mum, she'll know how to help, and she's been through it all too, also when your b***s hurt it means that there growing, this may be a sign of you being pregnant, because your fully developed already. It seems you have quite a few symptoms of pregnancy, but it might just be a fluke, get a test anyway, and an appointment.

  2. Take a pregnancy test and see a doctor.  It is possible to still have your period during a pregnancy and you seem to have quite a few symptoms.

  3. It's a possibility you could be pregnant I would get a test and if it shows up neg. I would schedule a doc. apt to get it figured out if no period has come yet. Good luck!

  4. You're gaining weight.  

  5. Well first of all, you wouldn't gain 7 pounds this quickly if you were pregnant.  Secondly, take a pregnancy test if you are worried!

  6. You could be pregnant but if your last period was less than 27 days ago then you won't know for another week. So my advice is to lay off the drink until the 27th then take a preg test. You wouldn't gain weight so quickly if you were only a couple of weeks pregnant so that is not a sign, but b***s hurting is a big sign of early pregnancy, especially if they don't usually hurt when you are pms ing

  7. Was your last period normal? If it wasn't, it is possible you could be pregnant. Some people get implantation bleeding which is a weak period or watery period when they are pregnant. If you think you got pregnant after the 31st of July, then it is not likely you are pregnant... you wouldn't gain weight that fast.

      You can take a pregnancy test for a dollar if you get it at dollar tree. Just be sure to follow the directions exactly. It is the same urine test done in the doctors office. Remember though that false negatives are more likely than a false positive. So if it comes back that you are pregnant you are!

      If you want to be totally positive, go and get a blood test at the doctors. Those are very accurate. Good luck.

  8. You could just retain a lot of water during your period.


    PMS can definitely affect your body as well as your mood. Sometimes it can make you change the way you act and cause your b***s to hurt like crazy. You wouldn't gain that kind of weight if you were so newly pregnant. I was nearly 4 months into my pregnancy and had only gained about 5 pounds.You can bloat from water retention though during PMS. Try to cut back on caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, and salt cuz the increase bloating. If you smoke, quit =). For pain, try aspirin, ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), or another anti-inflammatory medicine. I grab a heat pad and curl up with it and that seems to help too. I personally hand to wind up seeing a Dr. cuz mine was so bad. Im now on a birth controll and only have a period once every 3 months. If it keeps up maybe consider talking to your OB about it.

  10. Uhm, a couple things wrong.

    It could be the excessive sugar in the alcohol making you gain weight....

    And if there's any doubt as to if you're pregnant, you might want to take a pregnancy test AND STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL.  Condoms aren't 100% effective.

  11. see you doctor, you could be pregnant.  

  12. You sound pregnant. Even though you say that you use condoms and have checked them even just fooling around without using a condom can get your pregnant. If I were you I would talk to your doctor about all the pain and everything it could be something else, but only a doctor would know

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