
Please read this I really need answers!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok I am suppose to start my period between the 28th & the 30th, today is the 2nd I still have not started, I took a test but it said no I'm not prego. now was it to soon to take a test could it be wrong? When should I take another? please answer soon thanks!!!




  1. I know I took an EPT test several days before my missed period and it stated I was in fact pregnant and I am now 31 weeks but remember us as women some times stress ourselves into missing our period.  But I don't know what test you took.  So if you don't get it in the next 10 days I suggest you make an appt for a test with your gyn or primary doctor  

  2. Sometimes tests can show negative when you are actually pregnant, especially at this early stage. I suggest hard as it might be you should wait a week and if your period not arrived then take another test. Afterall if you are pregnant nothing much is going to change in the space of a week (you've got 9 months before you find out for sure lol!).

  3. You can take a test up to 4 days before your missed period so go see your doctor and get a blood test done  

  4. I got a negative at 4 weeks pregnant (when my period was supposed to start). And the doc said he wouldn't be surprised if a HPT gave a negative at 6 weeks pregnant.

    Wait a week and test again if your period hasn't come. And then go to the doctor either way.

  5. Don't bother wasting your money. With my son, I didn't show up positive on a pregnancy test until I was 12 weeks along! It really depends on your hormone levels. The only sure fire way of knowing is to get a blood test done. Or wait another week and take one. You can get a blood test done for either $15 at planned parenthood and the results are 100% accurate. It might be cheaper in the end to do it that way because pregnancy tests sure do add up in cost after awhile!!

  6. Hi. I was two weeks pregnant when I found out. I done one of those pregnancy tests that can detect if you are pregnant at the earliest chance. Now when I took the test the positive line was so faint that you could hardly see it. That day I went to the doctors and did one of there tests, the doctor then told me the test was negative, after waiting for a further ten minutes a really faint line appeared. My advice to you would be to get one of those early pregnancy tests if you have not done so already, you get them from boots and supermarkets. If nothing appears (you must really look for the line) then I would suggest waiting a week and then doing another before getting your GP to do a test.

  7. I think its too soon to tell. You're period can be late for alot of different reasons, but yeah you could go ahead and take a test.

  8. Well what brand did you use? Some brands have a higher sensitivity than others and can detect the pregnancy faster than others can. First Response is pretty was able to tell me I was pregnant 3 days BEFORE my expected menstrual period. You could also go to the doctor to get a blood test, they are way more reliable than home pregnancy tests. Good luck!  

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