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What is your view on ABORTION?




  1. I think it is wrong unless a little child has been raped and her body is unable to carry a baby to term. All other cases a baby can be brought into the world and if it is unwanted by the mother can be adopted by a couple who have been trying to have a baby or just desire to adopt. To me abortion is terrible and I dont know how anyone can live with that. I would be so traumatized/  

  2. After seeing my baby on ultra sound at 6 weeks with a beating heartn i would class it as murder,

    Once a heart is beating that baby is alive so you are killing an innocent human being

  3. it is murder and the woman never gets over killing her baby i have met women and have made friends who have done this and they are so regretful even after having more kids later on - i am dirt poor and dont even have a car etc to take care of a baby with  but even i would never kill my child  

  4. not a good question to ask on here.

  5. It is not murder, but it is sad that it appears to be seen as a method of birth control by some people.

    Having had a termination myself, and since having had a child and now being pregnant with my 2nd, my own personal views have changed, but I would not force those views on anyone.

    What I find offensive is people who say it is murder and accuse women of murdering babies.  These people need to shut there mouths and understand that more often than not it is not a decision that someone takes lightly and they have enough to deal with, without these ignorant, nasty people adding to their heartache.

  6. My personal view is : each to their own!


    I actually had an abortion at the age of 17 and I honestly think it was the worst thing ive ever done in my life!

    I did what I did for personal and somewhat selfish reasons but since then ive had a son, and miscarried 3 times.

    The abortion its self caused me to get an infection, i was in agony and had to have another surgical procedure to correct it!

    Ive since been informed that that was probably the reason I miscarried  so talk about karma coming to bite me in the **** eh!

    I'm not here to judge anyone, people do what they do for their own reasons and nothing we do or say will change how they think, but personally its something i wont EVER be doing again, it ruined 4 years of my life, made me lose another 3 babies and in the process i became a nervous wreck!

    I'm actually now due tomorrow to have another baby and yes its made me appreciate what i have got even more but its still something i never want to have to experience again!!

    I think the women out there that use abortion as a form of birth control are selfish and irresponsible but again who am i to judge!!

    I know people will give me thumbs down for this but this is my experience and its taught me alot, i learnt first hand and the hard way that abortion for me personally is a terrible thing!  

  7. I wouldn't have one...but then again I've never been a victim of rape or incest.  I've never been diagnosed with a terminal, yet treatable, illness while pregnant.  I've never had a doctor tell me that there is something seriously wrong with my baby and he/she will not survive.  I've never been 12 or 13 and scared out of my mind because I have such irresponsible parents.  I certainly don't believe in using abortion as a form of birth control, but there are many other scenarios out there.

  8. My view is, this question should be in women's health. This section is for pregnancy and trying to conceive. Most people in here do not want to think about abortions

  9. every situation is different. I had one. And I do not regret it. (years ago) my life is good now and i would not want to have the father in my life. he is a very bad person now it turns out. thank GOD i did what i did. however, this is up to each person and each situation. i did it and never looked back. I just knew it was right for me. i do not feel i would do it now. since then i had another son. and I am wanting to have one again. (all with my husband) that time in my life was ok for me. i dont think of the pregnancy. because i do not think of the baby inside as a human. but for someone who may bring guilty feelings if they abort. i think it is person. but i think it should be legal. it should never be illegal again. many women died getting these in a back ally somewhere. and no person should make a lady have a baby they dont want. be it came from rape, insest, or be the pregnancy was a mistake and just not the right time.

  10. its bull ****

    i hate it so much i don't see how someone could do that its almost like MURDER

  11. Wow since this is a opinionated ques im going to give mine..

    Abortion a.k.a  Legal murder of a baby regardless if it has various medical terms (embryo, fertilzed egg, unborn child) its just cold blood murder!!!

    And no i have never had one, I have 4 wonderful kids and love them !

    Theres many things that can b done insted of abortion...

  12. oh my goodness, you cant say that word on here, you will get loads of angry moms and thumb downers

  13. Its a personal choice and that's all I have to say about that . I am not here to judge anyone whether they get a abortion or don't .  

  14. Its a tough one.

    I have had one, and I sometimes regret it bitterly.

    Other times I feel relieved as the father was a horrible weak man.

    I wouldnt have my son I have now if I didnt have that abortion, I would have another baby...and I love my son to bits.  

    I wouldnt have an abortion again, I can tell you that!

    The emotional scaring afterwards is horrific. i still think about it. The best thing to do is: Dont get pregnant if your not sure.

    If you are raped or very young, then abortion is advisable.  

  15. I used to be soo against it, i'd always say "if you make something happen, you have to deal with it" until i fell pregnant whilst in a horrible relationship, i had an obortion. It messed me up a little but it was by far for the best. I'm now pregnant again, with a man who i love with all my heart, and i know he feels just the same, we have our own house, animals, and we have a healthy relationship, we're not roling around in money tho-that's the only downside, but i'm happy. I wouldn't have this child aborted just because i've had it done before. So my view is, you have to do in life what is best x hope i've helped chick x  

  16. i think its up to the individual person to decide whats right for them as there is many reasons for abortion, but i don't agree with woman have unsafe s*x and having a abortion just cos there careless if you don't want to get pregnant then be more responsible  

  17. I believe that abortion is murder and should be outlawed. If a woman didn't want to have a baby then she shouldn't have gone of and got herself pregnant. Even if the woman was raped she should still have the baby. People think the abortion is good for people who were raped against their will but a study proves that only a small percent of people that have abortions are people that are raped.

    Imagine if you weren't alive today. Imagine if you didn't have a first birthday. Imagine if you never even laid eyes on your mom all because of a choice that she made before you were born. You never know if that baby would be the next Abe Lincoln or the next Einstein.

    I think abortion is murder.

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