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am g*y of age 22. I have come out to my parents. They insist me that I should live lonely all my life. What should I do? She is not understanding that gayness is natural. Once she also told me that gayness is filth. I love my mother in everything except in this case. Of course she is a stereotype. I am not interested in making underground relationships as it is dangerous and untrustworthy. I live in India and there is no place for g*y marriages here. I dont want to leave my mother (as I love her very much) and flee somewhere(as I love her a lot) but wanted to her to approve my g*y lifestyle and seek me a good alliance. I know parents seeking a g*y partner for his son is very difficult in country like India .Give tips to convince my mother please..Also advice me about anything in this regard.




  1. hi,

    u are young now

    and you are honest about your feelings.. that is good...

    but issues with sxuality are not resolved fully by experts yet...

    you do not have to decide anything yet.. have a open mind about yourselves and start laying out priorities in our life and work towards the other important goals of ur life....... this issue will sort itself in time

  2. Hi.  There is nothing wrong with being g*y and I wish your mom would accept it.  Maybe in time she will.  I don't know about your customs but maybe you should go out on your own - you have to live your life and be who you are with no guilt.

  3. seems like you're in a sticky situation. i know you don't want to leave your mother but perhaps now is the time to move on. if she won't accept you you're just going to be miserable. you could move countries where it is more accepted, if you have enough cash, or search in your country. you shouldn't be made to feel like "filth", if you want to be g*y that's your choice. you need to tell people to step off and you need to live your own life. otherwise you'll be unhappy. good luck!!

  4. I'm sorry I can't agree .....what U now  call g*y is actually ....homosexual...also called sodomy...& its most disgusting.

    God created man & women...& they shall be joined and live as one........

    God did not create woumb in man because he did not intend that man should marry a man & donot bring forth offspring between them.........

    & donot tell me about adoption......when both are man, how will U tell your adopted child one of U is his mother?...this will amount to abuse & violation of the child's right to a father & mother.

    I really feel for your parents...their heads dare not lift in the society due to shame & disgrace.

    Of all ,God despises sodomy & it is cursed.....It is not your mother that needs convincing,It's YOU that badly needs help & change.

    Seek psychologist's &psychatrist's help.

    Be normal & live a normal simple life.

  5. Live your life the way that makes you most happy.

    If your mother does not accept this, this is the way it is going to have to be.  Let her know how happy you are.  Introduce her to anybody special you meet.  Keep it simple around her as if you just have a good friend.  This is all she can handle.  So Be It!!!

    Good Luck.

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