
Please read this question, this animal can die without ur help?

by  |  earlier

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my dad went fishing on his boat on monday in the ocean. and when he came back, my mom discovered a medium sized crab with a shell, and it was on the boat. my sister came and took it inside, but she does not know what to feed him and how to keep him alive. TODAY we bought some special salt that u can add to the water so the water becomes saltwater. we plan to keep him like this until the next time we go fishing(which is in like about 8 or 9 days). he looks alright he has been coming out of his shell. well not like completely but it does stick its head out. wat should we feed him, how should we take care of him, anything else that can keep this animal alive.

here is the description:

color: green with yellow or white stripes

size: medium

from saltwater

please help us cus we do not want this animal to die

anything else that i might have forgotten please message me about it or tell me thanks




  1. i know that you want to try to keep it alive but nothing can replace its natural enviroment you need to try to get it back were it came from. In the mean time the water needs to be flowing. it need to in an environment that has land and water, the water should be moving and the land should have sand and the usually eat little fish so maybe some little fishes from the pet store. They eat little krill too, sometimes they will eat bread but its not the best thing to give it. Make sure the water temperature is slightly warmer than room temperature too, for the ocean is cold.

    Good luck, and for the animals sake, try to get it back to were it belongs, they ae not pets!


  2. If the crab is in a shell (not its own) then it is a hermit crab.  People do keep them as pets.  Google a pet site about their care.  

    Just wanted to help!

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