
Please read this story about what happened to me and some of my friends and explain what happened to us?

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There was a game some of my friends and i would play, there was a old copper mine up around were we lived, the mine was closed down because there were Native American bones in the back of the cave, at least that's what it said in the old news papers at the museum, but the real reason the mine was closed was because 27 miners died in that mine one day after the burial chamber was found, the mine owners didn't want to lose there investments so they ordered the men back into the mine, they were told to destroy all evidence of any Native American burial chamber, after the miners went down into the mine the foreman heard screams coming from inside the mine shaft, another group was sent down to see what happened to the first group of miners, when they came back from down in the mines they were throwing up and saying that the bodies were torn into pieces by some kind of beast, the mine closed shortly after that and that was over a hundred years ago, the mine entrance was boarded up and sealed off, but we found a way into the mine through another cave we used to call it crystal cave because it never went that deep into the hillside and the inside of the cave walls had quartz crystals growing on them, the was a tremor that was centred in Vancouver but the after shocks was just enough to put a medium sized crack in the back wall of the cave that led into a much bigger cavern, we knew we were near the old copper mine so we were extra careful not to slip and fall, but it was to dark to go any deeper into the cave so we went home and grabbed some camping stuff, tents, sleeping bags, battery powered flash lights and stuff like that, the first night we camped outside of the cave till morning and when the sun came up we pack our day packs and headed back into the cave, we must have walked a 100 feet into the cave past the bigger cavern we found ealier, we found a old tunnel that was blocked off so we tore the boards down and kept going until we found a underground stream i guess thats why the tunnel was boarded up, so we back tracked but on the way back we found a side tunnel that we missed when we were going down the tunnel the first time, we walked for much longer this time it felt like we were walking forever until my friend tripped on something, it was some old rail track so we stood up and looked around with our flash lights to get our bearings, we must have found another way into the old mine but we never believed the old ghost stories people used to tell us, heck we were in our mid teens nothing could hurt us or so we thought, so we went deeper into the old mine until we came to a dead body old one of the miners that died down were, now we were getting a little scared, so we went a little deeper into the mine until we found three bodied, one of the bodies had it's hand up over it's face like something was attacking it, so we figured that we should head back(not because we were scared, or at least that's what we told ourselves) as we turned to start going back we heard some noises and seen a freaky glowing light coming towards us, so we said to h**l with this and we started to run and as we were running the noise and light was getting closer, we made it back to were we had torn the boards down the when we made it to the end of the first small cave crystal cave, after we got to the first cave the lights and sounds had stopped but we chose to sleep outside that night, whatever it was in that cave i'll never know because i never went back into that cave ever again, but when we would meet new friends we would dare then to sleep inside the first cave with a warning never to go deeper into the second tunnels.




  1. Where is this cave, I would like to go there.  if you can tell me where the cave is, I can probably help the spirits pass over

  2. you woke the dead, that's all.

  3. when does the movie come out?

  4. This has all the makings of a s****. Doo episode.

  5. Good story.  You should have added how you buried the bodies you found on hallowed to put their souls to rest.  I enjoy the visual of you guys running from the scary light, ha,ha!

  6. Fireflies make noise and light, glow-worms make light and frequent caves.  

    Sounds amazing if it was true.  

    I'm sure if you gave the location 100 people would be there tomorrow because the equipment that the 100-year-old dead miners are carrying are more than museum pieces, they are worth something.  Even if only on EBAY.

  7. All that text and not a single period until the end. Yikes.

    Regardless... I'm not sure of my beliefs. I go back and forth between thinking there is a god, and beleiving entirely in evolution. I think there are ghosts. I think there are spirits. And maybe, if this isn't made up, thats what was seen?

  8. Who knows maybe when you went down there, where was some kind of animal down there, that could have been the the noise or sound you heard, as for the glowing light that was chasing you and your friends, maybe your mind was playing tricks on you because there is no such things as ghosts or goblins and stuff like that, it was just the over active minds of a bunch of kids, but going into any old mine shaft is dangerous your lucky you and your friends never got kill in a cave in or something.

  9. its either you made this up, or your imagination is waaay too active man...

  10. haha, nice piece of fiction, however, aside from the paranormal aspects, there are some questionable holes you might want to fill in.

    Answer these questions in the story and it will patch it up pretty well.

    When did the mine get closed?

    If the miners covered up the fact that there was an indian burial ground, then how did the protagonist know of this story?

    Maybe the protagonist is the son or nephew of one of the surviving miners......

  11. you probably smoke too much wacky tabacky

  12. First off I do not believe the story at all because Native Anericans lived in a stone age culture, and it was impossible for them to have dug that deeply into the earth.

    There were 500+ nations, speaking more than 175 different languages. Almost all indian nations saw the Earth as their mother, and were very respectful of mother Earth, and would not have disrespected mother earth by digging such deep tunnels.

    Lastly the most powerful force in the universe is consciousness. Your subconscious minds had been told these tall tales by elders, and your subconscious minds believed the tall tale without question.

    Your subconscious minds BELIEVED something was down there; so your subconscious minds generated the event because of fear.

    The Sioux call the subconscious mind the nagi, the Hawaiians, called it the unihipili, and the Jews called it the Nephesh, and Freudian psychology calls it the id.

    Do you remember the old science fiction movie with Walter Pigeon "Forbidden Planet" and the monsters from the id?

    If you are not careful; the subconscious mind can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy.

    The who idea of curses works because the sunconscious mind BELIEVES they have been cursed, and literally kills the person out of fear. Now there are people who have died from curses without consciously knowing they have been cursed) this is true especially in the case of the kahuna ana ana. But whether or not the person is consciously aware they have been cursed; the unihipili KNOWS the person has been cursed.

    It is VERY possible to send thought to other people, and get them to do things they would not do otherwise. I figured how to do such things when I was 7-8 years old. I used to think about a person and imagine them calling me long distance until that person would call, then they thought it was their idea, and the long distance charges did not show up on my guardians phone bill.

    Another example Martial artists break huge slabs of ice (when their hand should be broken) just because the subconscious mind BELIEVES the ice will break instead of the hand.

    Joseph Murphy (if memory serves) wrote a book called "the Power of The Subconscious Mind" I recommend you read it.

  13. lets start with the mine.research is the best way to start with any investigation.most mines have some history of accidents and cave ins...when ever your out doing things that kids do, you need to keep in mind that darkness and natural fear will play a big part in the fear factor.second if you brought all this camping stuff and you knew you where going in,why did'nt you take a camera to verify your story?another thing is if it scared you so badly,why would you endanger someone else, or dare someone who could be hurt in a cave in or something much worst?If there was something in that mine and it wanted you, it would of gotten you and your friends.crystals have an energy protection to them,exspecially may have gotton lucky there!next time you decide to send some victim to what your own fears cant handle,remember your responsible for there safety.and if your playing with tragity and the paranormal....three fold will be your carmas bounty,for harm done to another for selfish or foolishness.I noticed you never went back in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!only exsperts should deal with anything of this nature....and your not a kid anymore so stop putting others in harms way.there are mediums and paranormal groups you can contact to find out whats going on.and if your on private property and something happens and you say nothing.....?Tempting fate is like asking to get kicked in the face.....please do the right thing and respect the ones who died,and quit fooling around with things that can truely have a life changing effect . IT effected you enough not to go back?  blessed be.

  14. Maybe you encountered spirits; such things happen. And some places are well known for being haunted.

  15. HE HE HE

  16. cant say what happened to you. I wasnt there to feel or see what went on. Thats like being told what it was lt was like to step on the moon, a good story, but unless your there and you did it, its hard to say.

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