
(Please read under so you know what I am asking) Does ANYONE have Y&R's Billy/Mackenzie Video Clips ?

by  |  earlier

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I have been watching Y&R Since I was 8; I am 23 now.

I LOVE the Storyline of Mackenzie & Billy and had tapes of scenes only of them; from when they first met to when Ashley (the real mac) left. The tapes got thrown out and now I have nothing. If anyone out there HAS videos/video clips of them (Non-youtube related) would it be all right if I would ask if you could share those with me? Sending them to me through e-mail? This would be Greatly Appreciated considering I am always thinking about those days and never getting to re-live them. I'm sorry if I seem forward, I just don't have another option. If your answer is yes to both my questions; (Having video clips & sending me them by computer through e-mail) please, please, please give me a message back here. Thank you.




  1. I think there might be some on You-Tube

  2. Doesn't it change your feelings about them knowing know that they're related?

    I'm not dissing you, I used to be a HUGE Billy and Mac fan until the writers ruined it all.

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