
Please respond! Mother needing encouragement!?

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Ok, I went in last week for my 12 week u/s. I expected to see head, hands, heart, etc. We could barely see anything. The midwife said it looked like a blighted ovum (sac with no baby). However, it wasn't that because there were 2 yolk sacs present (twins). She called the Dr in and he did the u/s again (transvaginal). He said that it could be 1 of 3 things.

1-The baby quit growing at 5 weeks, ending in m/c.

2-I miscarried very early in my pregnancy and got pregnant again, and I am now 5 weeks pregnant with the 2nd pregnancy.

3-My dates are off or I ovulated later then I thought.

#3 is highly unlikley seeing that I tested positive 6/23. That would put me at the least 9 weeks. There is no way the measurements are off by 4 weeks.

I also have a tilted that does make the dates off sometimes in the first trimester.

Please, if you have experienced this or know someone that has, leave me a little detail...more than just yes I have heard of it! I need encouragement!!!!

This is my 4th pregnancy...possibly 5th if #2 is right. I have never miscarried!




  1. I had what is known as a blighted ovum in April. I had to have a D&C on May 13th.

    A blighted ovum is nothing that can be predicted, from what I've been told. It's simply that the embryo stops growing and everything else keeping going. It sucks because it can go often undetected until your next ultrasound. I was "lucky" enough to catch it early on and I was 9 weeks pregnant.

    Whend do you find out more from the doctor?

  2. normally if you miscarried this early you would have bleed out. i heard of the tilted uterus and a nother girl had this problem but it was because of the  tilt. the only thing you can do is wait and see. god bless

  3. I have seen many moms with such multiple outcomes. Let me say this, stress does not dely your period, but it can delay ovulation which can account for US dates not matching last period date.  I personally have not experienced a MC either, but my thoughts & prayers are with you.  Think positive.


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