
Please respond... this ever happened to you?

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Has anyone ever had this beautiful feeling when they walk outside?

Like all of nature is connected to you and like you are at total peace with the world. Like the spirits of all of the animals are surrounding you and like you ARE nature. If you havn't I feel sorry for you, it is the most beautiful feeling. If you have experianced this please tell me about it.

Here's my story....

I was walking to my friends house when suddenly the feeling hit me. I realized how beautiful nature is.

I finally saw all of her glory and splendor in the way she wanted me to see it.

It seemed like everything was breathing with me

and like I was a part of nature

accepted by all things.

It was purley indescribable and absoluley wonderfull.




  1. ya i have felt that!!  i live in a small town in the middle of nowheresville CT but everytime im driving down a road surrounded with trees i feel like i could never leav(which is not true!!)  i have never really said anything because i dont feel that people close to me get that same reaction when their walking down the street.

  2. Yep. I am lucky enough to have nature right outside my front door. It's beatiful. You're lucky to feel that way.

  3. Ya it's beautiful.

    Enjoy before George Bush destroys it.

  4. Yes, It's amazing. I try to make trips in nature as much as possible. I always find an immediate sense of peace. Suddenly my breathing pattern changes and I see things with clarity. Although it took me years to really let it hit me. Truth is in nature and not in the city. I also read the book the celestine prophecy. Funny thing is when I go into these states of mind it reminds me of when I was a kid. The reminds me to purify myself, let go of all the stressful mentalities I have learned over the years.

  5. Yeah, and I always go back to that place when I want to chill and feel happy. I know what you mean.

  6. Yeah I have. You can also look outside your window or outside at a beautiful view and it will feel amazing. When I was younger I looked outside my window at the mountains, trees, and other houses. I just thought about all my childhood memories and everything good that has happened in my life. You just think about everything that happened and how it all led to where you are right now.

  7. Yes...I have felt this many times.  It is completely normal and an amazing feeling.   Biologist Edward O. Wilson called this feeling biophilia (love of life).  He described it as human's natural affinity for natural life.

  8. I have had that experience a couple of times in my life.  Most often it happened in the mountains (southern sierras).  I envy you and hope you can continue to have this type of experience.  You transcended your own mind or ego and became one with the universe.  If their is a secret to attaining that feeling, please let me know what it is.

  9. I've often felt an exhilarating rush from being outdoors surrounded by natures beauty.  I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and that may not be the best place to commune with nature.  One such experience I remember was a camping trip as a teenager, it was in the springtime, in the mountains, and I slept outside the tent.  In the morning staring up at the sky and the abundant greenery of the trees was overwhelming.

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