
Please see my question, no one has answered it?

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Perhaps it is due to the category I placed it under, but could you please go to see and see if you have any ideas for someone in this position?




  1. Wow ! sounds like you have been through it all. The waiting list for houseing is about a year here. If you talk to them and they see you are desperate, they move a little faster.There are government programs that help if you take the time to look into them. Are you useing the computor at the library? I know most people in youir situation could not afford the internet.I don't think asking for donations on here is the answer.When I went down and filed for disability, they gave it to me right away. I know most are not this lucky. I would much rather be able to work like I used to but can not. Good luck with yourself. Prayer really does help. God does take care of each of us, just go to him and when you turn your problems over to him, let go of them and know that he will take care of things.

  2. some of your issues are of your own bearing hon. Any family member can take in your son for the summer while you work at getting your life back on track. And give yourself a deadline for it, get on welfare and ise that government monry for what its for, try harder and it falls into place, no one will do it for you, u know that. Life does suck for other people worse off than you.

  3. What a sadening story.. I feel your pain after reading your article.  If even I had $5 to give I would give it to you.  It's been hard for me also.  I'm still trying to find a job that pays better than minamum wage.  I got hired through out local Labor Force and they put me in a recycling plant.  I absolutely do not like it there but it will be some money to pay for bills.  

    It's tough with your condition and that the condition that you are in and have no skills, it will be hard to find work.  If at least you can try and do something, despite your conditions, go to YOUR local Labor Force and see if there are any type of openings there for a job.  There are pretty good in finding people work.  It may not be the best of work but it is money in the pocket to pay for bills.

    Try working at your local convience store during the day so you can spend time with your son at night.

    If you can operate a calculator you can work at a convience store to run a register.  And they'll train you.  

    Just be positive and keep your chin up.  Remember God is always with you and watching over you.  

    So from all the people who responded to your question, you know you have friends in Yahoo Answers.

    I wish you all the best and I hope you heal from all of this real soon.

    Good luck to you!! AND remember "Keep Your Chin Up".  Were all praying for you.


  4. Sorry about your situation, but theres a better answer than sucide.

    I know the cognitive abilities, I was in a car wreck myself and have a TBI from it, and the reat you just try not think about.

    The money situation is bad but maybe you can get assiste somewhere,

  5. I'm truly sorry for what you are going through! Its a terrible situation.  My mom is in a similar situation. Maybe her story will help you in some way...

    My mom grew up in a household where all the kids had to start working at 13/14 becaus there dad hurt his back and they needed money to pay the bills. At 17 she moved in with her bf & had me at 21. After my birth my biological father got heavily involved in drugs and began abusing my mom mentally, emotionally & physically. This went on for almost 15 years, before she found someone strong enough to help her and her 2 kids get out of the situation. We moved into an old trailor, that had trash all in it, holes in the walls, etc... and we cleaned it up and made it a home. My mom was working all night and during the day some days as well just to make ends meet.  Then something horrible happened. She fell at work 5 years ago and has since had about 20+ surgeries! Over the course of these 5 years we have lost about 30 loved ones to various things, we have been hit by THREE (3) drunk drivers... all of the without insurance except 1.  The first accident landed my mom in the hospital with a back problem and me with a sprained wrist and physical therapy. This last accident (September 2006) landed me, my brother, his friend & my mom in the hospital.  My mom & I still have problems with things that happened from the accident. I was practically bed ridden for 2 months after the accident.... because I had an upper... something sprain to my back and neck... I started working again in December, but there are some days now almost a year later where I still cant get out of bed cuz I hurt so much... The guy that hit us had no license, no insurance, had 6 previous dui offenses, had 2 warrents for his arrest, hit us and ran, and hit another car up the road from us.... it was a horrible situation. And u'll never believe this they let the guy walk from the hospital... we just had a court trial to attend, and he did go to jail (though not for long enough).

    My mom has been on disability over these last few years but the doctor said she could work IF *she didnt stand no more than 30 min, *sit no more than 30 min, *couldn't lift nething, *couldn't pull/push nething, etc etc etc...  Who's going to hire someone like that? So now here disability has been cut off for months and she had to get a job to support my younger brother. On top of all this my aunt & her bf & 2 kids lost there house... So there is 6 people living in 1 little trailor! But its her little sister and she like you has ALWAYS given her last dollar if someone needed it and gave sooo much kindess and shes in the same situation. She has no money for legal stuff.... and shes only doing the best she can...

    Honey I advise you to hold your head high! Things will get better! It might take a long time, but it will happen. If I were you talk to a lawyer who will work on getting your stuff back and then you can pay him... some lawyers are like that. (My mom's for instance)  Also apply for disability again. If your doctor gave you papers stating you couldnt work then you have the right to be on permanent disability. I dont know what state you live in so I cant advise you on your disability laws, but I know the situation your in is tough and I admire people like you who work so hard to make your life better even at the worst of times.

    There are many government/state assistant programs that you can check out. Go to your local Department of Labor *or wutever urs is called* and just go straight down the line to apply for everything from medicaid (if uneed it), disability, etc etc etc

    Good Luck!

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