
Please share Ovidrel Experience

by  |  earlier

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I have PCOS and I've been using Clomid for the past 2 mths..yesterday my doctor administered Ovidrel injection to assist me, but my unltrasound didnt show me as having any eggs.

The doctor said everyone ovulates at different times.

Can anyone who used this injection share their experience as to the results they got please?




  1. I used Ovidrel along with Clomid, then FSH injections & IUI and ultimately with my IVF cycle.

    The Ovidrel will help the follicles to finish maturing and then release the egg.  It is a man-made version of hcg so it can cause a false positive on a home test if the Ovidrel is not out of the system.

    My RE never had me do the Ovidrel trigger shot until I had follicles btw 18 - 23mm depending on the other meds that I was using.  It seems to be a waste of time if you did not have follicles on the ultrasound . . . It is true that everyone ovulates at a different time but Ovidrel causes you to ovulate usually within about 36 hours . . .

    Here is a link to the Ovidrel site:

    Good luck and baby dust!

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