
Please share innovative ideas for fancy dress competition for child age 6?

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Please share innovative ideas for fancy dress competition for child age 6?




  1. 6 year olds shouldn't be exploited this way. Made to compete so that shallow parents can gloat.

  2. if she's a girl then a fairy!

    a pretty glittery frock with a wand and may be a crown

    Boy...umm...probably some super hero-bat man or super man

  3. you could dress her like a southern belle

  4. you dressed haif saddy dress

  5. A spider! Cut 3 pairs of nylon tighs with feet into 6 legs, stuff them with teddy bear stuffing or scraps of material or paper - whatever. Attatch 3 on each side to a tshirt below where the childs own arms will be. Run fishing wire or similar through the ends of the 'spider legs' with a loop for the childs index finger on each hand so that they move up and down in unison. Wearing all black and using black nylons is best then have fun with face paint!

  6. u didnt mention boy or girl??? but ok, i will suggest u something.

    for boys - Lord Krishna, charlie chaplin, mr. beans, chacha nehru

    for girls - Japanese lady

  7. Ask your child what they want to be! Maybe find out their favourite animal, superhero. Shouldn't be the parent's idea, should come from the child, your child should be able to decide for themselves what they would like to be and then you can decide from there.

    Just one thing though, please don't be one of those competitive parents who create some brilliant outfit just so that your child can win the prize, that is not the important thing...what is important is that your child's own creative ideas are valued and well if you can make a brilliant tiger or fireman suit then great, but the prize is not nearly as significant as the feeling of confidence and growth in self esteem that is created by valueing your child's own ideas.

  8. Roll of madari,

    requirements monkey, stick, old cloths, and dialogues.

  9. Green tee shirt Brown slacks and brown shoes and with an eyebrow pencil draw him a goatee beard like shaggy from s****. Doo you know just lines fanned out in a crescent shape.

  10. Dressing little kids up I think is horrible,goddamn lady,all your kid wants to do is hit the playground and eat graham crackers!So let 'em!It costs less then a competition!

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