
Please share your story about how you came out of the closet?

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i havent come out yet and i was just wondering how some people dealed with coming out of the closet




  1. Out of all my siblings, my parents figured I was the g*y one. And they were right. So no shock when I came out. I just wished my mom would stop trying to set me up with guys...

  2. Please consider staying in.

  3. There was a lot of things that happen that lead up to me coming out. I told my mother about something that happened in my past and then I told her that I was g*y 3 weeks after that. At first she was in denial and kept telling me i wasn't g*y but then she got over it. Now she even ask me which guys i think is cute.  

  4. Came out to mom at 15, on feb 8 2008 at 9.00pm after a funeral. don't worry, it's not like grandma died. it was a distant friend. Anyways, my older brother was at work, little brother was at soccer when my parents came home. I had been freaking out all night. My dad then had to get some groceries for dinner, and when my mom sat in the living room, i just told her. She was "Shocked, but not suprised". She said that it made sense, she just didnt think it would come up so soon. I explained to her what had happend. I had been questioning for over a year, and the day prior, i had a class about stress management. There was a chart with signs of stress. I checked off almost every one, and decided it was time to act. I threw away the assignemnt from that class, and the next day, i went to the teacher (also a councellor). I got another sheet, and asked if she had a moment....i told her everything, and that i'd tell my mom by march....i changed my mind i guess. Mom was okay with it, and supported me 100%. After a month or so, we could sit alone again without the awckeardness. Then I saw the concelor at church during easter! She casually said hi, just like everyone else. I was freaked, but i trust her 100%. She acted perfectly. May 26, i decided to tell dad. I did it by holding up "So, your child is g*y" book. He thought i was questioning and didnt take me seriously. He still doesnt. A few days later, i got drunk at a party. Some friends asked me to drink, and i thought that it was the only way to get closer to them, hoping it would help when i come out to them to be closer. I got drunk, and embarrassed my best friend. I sent him a text 3 days later saying we had to talk. 2 months prior to this, on a ski trip, him and a friend had aksed if i was g*y. i denied it. so, on the phone, i said "Bob, you know how you and anna were having that convo. about me on the bus home from banff, and how it ended in a question?" He answered "No". so i said "do you know what that question was?" He said "i dont think so". I said "I think you do". Remember my answer he said "yes" and i said "well, i lied". Then he was all "omg!". He was "disturbed" (he said that word). He didnt talk to me for 2 weeks. ignored calls, texts, emails. I finally spoke to him after seeing him at scouts. I promised to stay in for now, and i'd tell him anyone who knows. We decided that because of our scouts camp this usmmer, i 'd stay in until that was over. He then wanted to act like nothing happened. Thats worked. June 6, my little brother, 13, and i were arguing, and he called me a homo, like he always did, then yelled "YOU g*y!" and i said "would it be so bad if i was?" and then he stopped, and thats that! My mom was in san diego with work, and i called her. She was on a party on an aircraft carrier! He didnt believe me until he spoke to my parents! He stopped calling me g*y and homo and f*g, but now hes up to that again. He also tried blackmailing me with that. He says "if you don't i'll tell them you're...". He's an evil a**! Thats that. My other best friend harrasses me all the time with g*y jokes and remarks, simply because he assumes i'm g*y. I had to deal with that, and i did a very good job. I hate to say this, but i had to take a wack at his social life. I think he knows that if he brings it up, i will ruin him. I have the power because i know what he did when his parents were out of town, and lets just say that if it got out, it wouldnt be pretty. The opther friend, bob, helps me by telling me who is pro g*y and homophobic, and all the gossip about me. its nice to have an "inside alli". My plan is to be out at school in september, and just wait for it to leak out everywhere else.

  5. well i fell in love with my best friend and couldnt take it any longer. i am bi so its a bit harder to explain to people what it is

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