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100 Years from now when our plant will be facing the full impact of Global Warming, will human race blame us and our forefathers for the lack of foresight and carelessness.

PS: Please watch the movie "an inconvenient truth"

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  1. I've seen that movie 3 times. Complete bullshit.

    Did you notice that there were no numbers on that black and red chart?

    Did you notice that the rise in CO2 on the chart came AFTER the rise in temperature.

    Rise in CO2 doesn't cause higher temperatures. Clouds make up 70% of the greenhouse effect. Cow burps are 23 times more powerful than CO2 and N2O (which is given off by trees) is 21 times more powerful.

    Al Gore makes so much money off of this global warming hoax.

    I do believe that we will soon have global warming policy because government-educated people will believe anything that our imperial federal government says is true.

  2. Instead, why not try questioning the motivations of those who are really behind all the anti-technology, anti-human rhetoric in the first place?

    Go behind the hype, the Al Gores, the cute fur seals, and look at the neo-luddites, the anti-technology anarchists and the just plain crazy hippies who have managed to get their skewed view of the world legitimised?

    Instead of just swallowing holus-bolus the whole "AGW" line, why don't you actually look into it a bit? I bet you have never even questioned it have you? (I don't blame you, specifically, a lot of other people haven't either)

    What do you think..?

  3. I strongly agree about the urgency of people waking up and addressing the problem of global climate change.

    I haven't seen the movie "An Inconvenient Truth," though.  I mostly get my information about CO2 emissions and climate change from books, magazines, the odd government reports, and what my professors told me back in Natural Resources grad school.

    I think you'll find that a lot of people will give you grief about "Inconvenient Truth."  Most of the critics are wrong, but I think Al Gore did take a few intellectual shortcuts in the movie.

    But now that the movie has opened your eyes to the scope of the problem, and its real urgency -- please use that as a starting point.  Use it as inspiration both to DO more about global warming -- reducing your CO2 footprint, supporting good politicians and laws, etc. -- and as a reason to LEARN more about it.

    The world's climate system is very complicated; scientists still don't know everything there is to know about climate change, its causes and its effects.  

    The stunning pictures in Gore's movie point up the importance of the topic, but if you want to be "part of the solution instead of part of the problem," as the saying goes, you need to learn more about the complexities and the details.

  4. If U actually think that Global Warming is a problem just get the environmentalist to stop breathing ,that would do it...

  5. 'An Inconvenient Truth'???  Sheesh....... I certainly hope that my tax dollars aren't involved in showing that in our schools!!

    Please..... don't fall for the sci-fi c**p that Gore spews in that so-called documentary.  That movie was intended to accomplish only one thing..... big $Bucks$ for Gore and his ilk!!

  6. Dats when jesus will come back 4 us our savior

    global warming is a lie its actually satan lolz

  7. Global warming is not a hoax ,and if the present generation does not think of means to mitigate it the coming generations will definatly curse us.No doubt humans are the bigest emitters of carbon dioxide but they have brain and capacity to plant more trees to recycle carbon dioxide.The present generation has to take conscious decision to reduce consumption of fossile fuel and find out other sources of energy to make this earth livable for the generations to come.

  8. well... if this gets worse than yea what i think is that the gas prices shouldn't go bellow 5 dollars because when there higher prices people (well some)drive less and it's better for the envirment !

  9. 100 years from now people will be looking back and recognizing global warming for the huge scam that it was.

    I have seen An Inconvenient Truth....nothing could be farther from the truth than this flic.  It was an inconnvenient waste of my time.  

  10. Yes. I guess they will blame us. This movie is gud. Recommended for every one on the earth. It may just teach us some things

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