
Please some one read this and help me</3

by  |  earlier

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ok so mii parents are divorced. they have been ever since i was in 1st of now im growing up and i like to text, talk on the fone, and get on the computerr. basicly i dont have nothing really in common with mii dad. i go bakk and forth to mii dads and mii moms house. so mii brother is all like dad isnt your favorite its me, [], then you. and starts tellin me a bunch of stuff and thinks he is everyones favorite like everysingle one of mi family memberss. and he was talking to mii dad on the fone and he said wats ........... doing and mii brother said. texting. watching tv. and on computer. mii dad-shockker..

yeeah i dont even know or can tell if mii dad loves me or not all i no is that i stay at his house for no d**n reason mii brother said i wont grow up to be who i wanna be that im a lazy *** but no one understands wat im F****n goiin through!!! so please help mee!




  1. You must be a teenager right?! First of all whoop your brothers azz....

    I&#039;m sure your dad does love you, he just doesn&#039;t express it because your distant. Your brother is evil, you should just ignore him. Talk to your mom and tell her how you feel about going to your dads, maybe she can talk to him or not make you go.

  2. Why does anyone have to be a favorite? It is the difference in relationships that you and your brother have with your parents. I am sure you are loved, you need to step outside your comfort zone and spend some quality time with both your mother and father. Possibly your brother as well. Sounds to me like you need some healing between you and each of your parents. Please do this before there is any more distance put between you. There will always be a time in your life when you need them even more than you do now.

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