
Please somebody help! Suicidal boyfriend?

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My boyfriend has a medical condition and the only resolution for it would result in him being infertile. He says he wants kids in the future and doesn't want to take that chance. The thing is, things like this seem to happen to him alot,he says he might aswel kill himself. This has really scared me. I love him so much, and i can't bare to see him like this. I try to say things of comfort, although i know this won't change his views on suicide. I just want to reassure himt hat everyhting is ok, i want him to know that i'm here for him, but i don't think he's in love with me any more, so i'm not sure whether that would make a difference. Please help, i don't want him to do somethignreally bad. If he doesn't i don;t want to see him in this situation. x




  1. you should get a new boyfriend

  2. you need to get him help, asap,  

  3. If the only resolution for his condition results in infertility, it isn't impossible to have kids if he wants them after the fact. He can "freeze" his sperm and use it at a later time (cryopreservation).

    So if that's the only reason for him "not taking the chance", you may want to take him to (or suggest he see) a specialist who can explain this to him in detail, that way he doesn't feel like he won't be able to have children at all.  

  4. i was in the exact same position.and belive me as hard as it is to

    except,theres nothing u can do.I thought if i showed my bf how much i loved him and was there for him it would give him hope and make evything ok but it never did.He just pushed me away,,because he couldnt love me whilst he was goin through so much mental/emotional problems,and the more i tried to help him the more he pulled me down with him,,,and ur bf sounds the same.Take a step back and let him find some help for himself.If he really loves u he will allways be yours,if he dosnt,then he's not worth the pain and drama.

  5. Consult a doctor ASAP!

  6. If he is truly suicidal, you should help him find professional medical treatment immediately.

    It sounds like he is bi-polar and a bit irrational.  Would you really want to have children with this guy?

  7. you should take him to a specialist....;)

  8. he wont kill himself. people who are saying they are going to never do, they keep it hush. all you can do honey is be there to comfort support him and help him through it. if worse comes to worst remind him he can always adopt. there are plenty of abandoned children out there who have absoloutely nobody who need a good dad to take care of them.  

  9. Tell him to grow up.  He'll have kids someday if he promises someone close he will not end his life.  Everyone that wants them eventually ends up with them.  I will pray for him though.  He needs to take fish oil vitamins for depression with exercise or seek therapy.  Tell him you will always be there if he needs you. God will give him children when he's ready & you too, so have it for sure I'm Pro- Life.

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