
Please somebody help me understand this mistery!..? ={?

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I wrote a poem a year ago...then just this morning...i happen to stumble on a rare lyrics of song by has the same exact words of my poem (only the first few lines of my poem are not there)

What drives me insane is that i found out that this song was 8 yrs old already!!!

How can that be?? How did that happen?! me or i think i'm going to lose my mind! ={




  1. all songs are a meaning to life .  it defiently happens ;its ok hun..

  2. Some would say that you heard the song before and forgot but how would you remember lyrics to a song, word for word, if you've only heard it once before?

    It sounds more like infused thought, where you suddenly have information that you didn't have before.  But there is a reason for this.  I am a strong believer in signs and symbolism.  You wrote your poem a year ago and heard the same lyrics in Creed's song today.  Look at the lyrics.  What do they mean to you?  What did they mean to you a year ago?  Are you in a similar place in your life or having similar feelings?  Maybe it's a validation of some kind.

  3. ok first you are not losing your mind, things like this happen all the time to people from all over...i cannt give you an answer as to how it actually happens.....

    some time ago i wrote some words in a message, only to hear them in one of motley crue,s songs, i had to get my journal out and triple check in what i was hearing.....

    another time, i was day dreaming about the sort of villa i wanted for when i go back to italy,as i was day dreaming about it, i decided to draw it....(the villa) that same day my sister came over  with an Italian travel book, the first page i opened was the exact villa i had just drawn and day dreamed about, i showed my drawing to my sister and compared the two, she couldnt believe it either could i....

    things like this happen all the time

    denie will tell you about her drawing when she comes across your question......

    DENIE what can i say we are born on the same day LOL

  4. I agree with Amy...In fact...I was going to say that..then when I read hers...she had already said it. Kinda the same as you did. I really think these thoughts are out in the air (or  the "universe") I don't think you head the song by Creed before and just remembered it. I think you would have had to hear it a lot of times before that happened. Haven't you ever thought of an invention...and in a day or so...somebody else comes out with it in the stores? You both had the same idea...but at different times. I know it seems weird that your words were the same. That's why you need to be on this see that these things happen to a lot of people. It won't scare you so much when you realize you're not alone in it.

    EDIT...I think you were right to put it in the paranormal section. could go to the poetry section and find out the poets there that this has happened to. A lot of rhymes (poems,songs,thoughts) came to me one time. I was even more excited than you are. Here's one that might help you (part of it)

    "I heard a little story...about a little bird

    Who learned to fly much faster..than any ever heard!

    He wanted so to share his gift...with his brothers in the sky..

    But very few could hear his song...He often wondered why !

        If you're a little bird in flight...with a gift from God as rare...

        Remember...God sent it to answer to your prayer."

    (I left out some lines...but this one helped me...when others laughed at me.)

    LOL.Kellly 333....You know me too well...just read your note about me...this time it was a rhyme...instead of the drawings.

  5. I think Amy, Denie and Kel are right more then anyone can imagine. Strange stuff like this has happened to me too.

    However, I do want to add if you had known them (Creed) then you could do something about it. Or if you knew anyone connected to them then maybe you could do something about it.

    I made a mistake 2 years ago and told a woman an idea I had to make into a business and she stole it - at the time I did think she was my friend. Unfortunately, I only told my family and one other friend and had no patent...sooo....

  6. You can file a case in court of plagiarism against Creed assuming you kept a record of the poem in question.

  7. well, the thing about poems and songs is just this... they express feelings. why we love certain songs and poems is because we can relate to them- meaning we have had the same feeling that the song/poem is describing at some point in our life. dont go crazy- your not loosing your mind. its just a coincidence.

  8. please don't take this wrong.... i think that you probably did hear the song once a long time ago. you might not have consciously listened to it. years later, when you were in the right mood, the words came back to you. this does happen.  this is the only explanation which makes any sense to me, i can't say it is the only one.  but there are cases of people speaking in a language unknown to them, and research reveals that they did hear it at least once, sometimes many years before. our minds don't forget, and creative people do recycle bits and pieces of info all the time.     anyway, hon, don't let it make you crazy, okay?

  9. Life Is a mystery. Enjoy it

  10. The mystery is you probably hear that sound at one point and didn't realize that before you wrote your poem.

  11. Maybe this is something you cannot explain.

  12. I think that Creed is a bunch of aliens, they abducted you in the middle of the night, probed your brain and stole the poem.  They are using the money to buy land and make invasion landing sites.  It's the only possible answer.

  13. I believe it is a matter of the words being pulled from the all; they

    were in the "air" so to speak and you just heard them for some unknowable reason. In a way, most things that can be said have already been said in some variation. You just need to relax and be aware that your inspiration is coming from a vast and eternal place.

  14. I think John S is onto something here. But barring that explanation, there are just a limited number of words and ideas expressed in pop songs and so they tend to imitate each other. I would suspect that you and Creed got the same idea, and using the same backdrop of current pop music, put together similar sounding lyrics.

  15. You need to understand that thoughts and emotions are NOT just ratteling around in our pointed littlle heads.

    Thoughts go out and affect the world, and other people around us.

    Have you been thinking of someone and the phone rings, and it is the very person you were thinking of.

    Carl G. Jung coined the name synchronicity to describe such events.

    The Hawai'ians talk of aka (spirit matter) that links the entire universe together into one cohesive whole.

    When I do energy healing; I start feeling everything that person is feeling, and if I still my mind I can pick up on their thoughts.

    You just picked up that poem via the wireless internet without being consciously aware of it.

  16. Would you be offended if I told you that you are a great actress?

  17. It could have just been a major coincidence of expressive writing... some thoughts and feelings are just so common and basic, that they tend to be repeated a lot...  Hmmmm.... and like Noah said earlier, you might have heard the song before and forgot about it... *sigh*

    I like how you put this in the paranormal phenomena section...

  18. I had a post along the similar line....;...

    It seems there is more to coincidence than we know. It's kind of freaky but it happens.

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