
Please!!! someone help cuz am tired of taking my dog to the vets and all they care for more is money ?

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my dog itches like crazy and please NOOOOO is not fleas...... she licks her paws chews her feet shakes her ears her eyes got teary and her mouth has lately been dry and smelly a little bit.. can that be becuz of the chewin? will it go away? i am going crazy already she cant even sleep.... there is no second she wont scratch besides her liver is enlarge am not sure why all i can think was cuz i abrubtly stop her from prednisone after her liver enlarged 3 years ago becuz the vet told me it was fine.....i didnt know u werent suppose to do it like that....first of all she told me prednisone had no side effects at all how can she had done that???? isnt she a human???? apperantly not.... i dont know what to do and where to find a vet that will actually tell me what she has and care for her not just the money!!!! omg i cant take it anymore all vets tell me " i think she has this i think she might have this or probably this or am guessing this" WTF!!!!!! why are they vets if theyre just guessing.. if thats what u call a vet then i am for sure one then...please my poor dog is suffering cant they have feelings and help her? if she dies i die too please please help am so stress out i love her more then anything else i never been a mom yet but to me she is like my daughter i pray everynight to see her normal and healthy again just like all of the sudden i woke up and her liver was big why cant i wake up and se her not scratching no more and be fine,..i cry all the time just to see her little face tired of itching come on she is only 3 omg please someone help me..




  1. My first thought was that she could possibly have an allergy to something.  My dog reacted the same way when her allergies bothered her, and I had to give her benedryl to help.  (yes, human's okay, as long as its not a high dosage).  Have you tried bathing her with an oatmeal shampoo? It could possibly help with the scratching.  Also, if she's going crazy with her paws, you should maybe get a cone for her, put some at home medication on the paws, like neosporin, but make sure to clean them first with peroxide (but you MUST not let her l**k the peroxide, and if you have any extra on her paw, dap it off immediately before you let her l**k her paws...) but it is suggested to put neosporin on the paws and wrap them if you can. You may be able to get her to sleep after doing all of that.  I have also given my dog aspirin to help her sleep and calm her when she has an upset b/c of the same problems your dog is having.  If you have a small dog, I would only give it half an aspirin, but if you have a large dog, a whole aspirin should not hurt.  As far as her liver goes, that is something you should definately have checked out.  I really wish that I could help you there.  Have you tried researching online for different vets in your may have to venture further out.  I know with my Alaskain Malamute, when she's sick I go crazy. I'm like you, no kids....but my girl is my world!

    I hope that some of this helps! I really hope that you're dog gets the help she needs! I'm so sorry!

  2. I don't know what to say but keep on trying to find a vet who can figure out what is wrong with her why don't you try seeing a "herbalist" maybe they can help your dog there is a lot of herbal medicines that help better than the regular drugs you get from Walgreen's and wal-mart try looking in to that.

    I really hope your dog gets better i will pray for you and your dog.

    try the link below and see what happens good luck.

  3. sorry - i would help if i could - ive got an excellent vet but im from South africa.... that doesnt help much...  

  4. Okay first you need to get a second opinion.  It sounds to me that your dog may have allergies, food or environmental.  Try switching her food to  lamb and rice.  But make an appointment with another vet.  If you have friends with dogs, get some recommendations.  

    Good luck

  5. Probably has allergies, id try a different vet.  Needs meds for the allergy's. Common in dogs.

  6. Sounds like allergies to me as well. It could be th food she's eating. Call around to different vets and see what they have to say.

    I'm so sorry. I hope you find out something that'll help her.

  7. You sound desperate---I can relate.  My dog has been having the same skin/eyes/ear /odor problems for the last several years.  I've spent a d**n fortune in vet bills (though I gave up on the allergy shots after just a few, thank goodness).  I've tried changing her diet, kept her flee-free, bathed her in everydamthing under the sun, refrained from bathing her, dietary supplements, a million home remedies (even the ridiculous ones).....sheesh.....I've tried everything, too.  It hurts my heart to see her so miserable and to hear her crying all the time.  The vets I have taken her to all call it dermatitis.  The problem is, the "causes of dermatitis include bacterial, fungal, yeast, or parasitic infection; seborrhea; food, fleabite, or inhalational allergies (atopy); behavioral problems; contact with an irritating substance; cancer; metabolic and endocrine disorders; drug reactions; exposure to toxins; breed-specific predisposition, nutritional deficiencies; and even sunburn."  And the treatment depends on the underlying causes of the symptoms.  In other words, it's hit and miss.  In my dog's case, and yours, too, mostly miss.  All kinds of things or a combination of several could be causing it and none of the vets I've been to really seem to have a clue.

    Don't give up, though.  One thing that may help temporarily relieve the itch is by rinsing her with baking-soda water.  Take her to another vet, and quit the allergy shots.  Also, this is just my opinion, but I think the commercially prepared dog foods are a significant part of the problem.  An old country vet told me a couple of years ago that vets were seeing a lot of new diseases and conditions in cats and dogs that weren't around ten years ago.  He flat out said that he thought commercially prepared animal foods were responsible for a large part of that.  There are easy, nutritious, and relatively inexpensive homemade dog food recipies you can try.  You also might try looking on the internet for information about fungal/yeast infections in dogs--a site called has some good information.  If your vets haven't tried treating your dog for these yet, suggest they do, or follow the treatment recommended on the site.  This is what I plan on trying next with my dog........I wish you the best of luck.  

  8. If your dog is scratching all the time, and doesn't have fleas, she probably has allergies. There are many dogs that are allergic to lots of things. First, what do you feed her? Many dogs are allergic to Corn, Wheat, and soy products. If you buy your food at the grocery, you are feeding her what she's allergic to. Like humans, many dogs are allergic to dust, grass, trees, etc. Do you keep your dog inside? Do you bathe her regularly? Have you tried antihistamines? The vet can do allergy testing to tell you what her triggers are. They are probably guessing because you haven't taken her in consistently for diagnosis, or you don't have the money for testing to find out what's wrong. Veterinary medicine has advanced a long way, the problem is that it costs the same as a human to pay for it! This is not the vet's fault.

    While vets get the job because they love animals, they have bills to pay too. Most of them do free work for rescue groups, not everyone that comes along with a sick dog. This is why you should consider how to pay for them before you get a dog, not after it's sick! If you cannot afford decent care for your dog, or can't follow the instructions the vet gives you, see if a rescue group will take it on so it's not suffering anymore. Maybe you could try to learn english too, in your spare time.  

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your dog.  My mom's dog was like that and she passed away after a year.  She had some type of skin fungus or disease I think because she had fur missing from areas she scratched and scabs all over.  They did numerous tests on her and she took her to specialists in other cities, but they couldn't figure out why she was itching constantly.  It's very difficult, I can try to ask my mom about the specialist she took her dog to before she passed away if you'd like?

  10. it seems. that your dog has bad allergies:all the symptoms you are describing, the itching,foot chewing ears smelly etc.

    Prednisone is used for allergies a lot, but you are not allowed to stop suddenly!

    Try to look in the phone book wherever you live:get a second opinion from a different vet.most likely, your dog will have allergies all her life, but it is controllable.Search online:veterinary specialist, dermatologist:a skin specialist.

    If possible, dont use prednisone again, maybe possible to have a special diet for the dog?a home cooked meal?

    is she allergic to pollen, grass?wash her with water only if she is itching bad.Benadryl works for dogs:its allergy med. for people,you may need to give half tablet to the dog(how big is she?)

  11. I am sorry to hear about your dog, I can tell you love her a lot.

    First it may be skin allergies, there are tests that can be done for this but they are expensive.  My dog has skin allergies and it was easily treated through medication (inexpensive too) and a diet change.

    I have been where you are with having a vet who seems they are just out for the buck and not the well being of the animal.  I would ask family or friends, I know it isdifficult to change vets when all the history is with one vet but you will be helping your dog so much!  It helped mine so much and I found a vet who is there for the animal.  

    I would ask around even pet store employees, trust me word gets around because when you have a good vet its priceless to most people.

    I am not sure what state you live in but in my state there is a veterinary speciality center.  They are incredibly specalized but deal in allergies I would go to google and type in veterinary specialist with your city.  You may have one in your state you don't know about.

    Best of luck to you and your dog.  Don't give up, be persistent and you will find someone who can make her and you feel better  

  12. usually itching is a sign of alergy.  try making your own dog food instead of using a commercial one.  My friends dog was going through the same thing til she started making her own dog food. It took a while for all the chemicals in the commercial dog food to leave her dogs body but once that happened that dog stopped her chewing and itching .

    Hope this helps.  

    Here are some links

  13. the best company to order from and to call and get some answers by very smart vets is  id say go to the site and look up. rex wheat germ oil, missing link, and some other good coat well as some topical stuff they have for the itching, bc she itches and scratches, so that aggravates her skin so then shes back to scratching again.   they are a Awesome company look them up !! Good Luck ;)

  14. you know something is wrong, and that your vet isn't helping. so first, switch vets.  

    If there is a vet school near you, call them and ask if there is a way to bring a dog in with a mystery disease for diagnostics practice.

    BTW -  some dogs like to drink water out of the swimming pool. the chlorine and maybe other chemicals can lead to mysterious itching.

  15. First - what type of dog food do you feed her? Your dog may have not be getting enough fatty acids from her dog food or she could be having an allergic reaction - make sure you are feeding her a high quality diet.

    Just some advice: Try giving her a few sardines, preferably in water - but oil is fine too. Sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help your dog's skin and coat. Brush her daily, which will remove any irritants that may be contributing to her itchy skin. Bathe her using an oatmeal based moisturizing dog shampoo. For the time being, until you find out why your dog is itching vigorously. If she has "hot spots" or cuts from itching, put some neosporin on the scabs.

    Also, be sure to find another vet that will run tests to find the root cause of your dog's condition. There could be several reasons as to why your dog is itching so terribly - she may need medication, she may need a special diet, or something else.

    Hope things work out for you and your dog.

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