
Please someone help me

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My step dad keeps yelling at me for not going over to his mom's house to paint because I didn't want to. Now he is yelling at me all the time saying and after that sh** you pulled last week blah blah blah I tell my mom he is yelling at me but when he tells his side of the story she sides with him. how can I get my mom to side with me




  1. Explain to your mom that you don't appreciate him continuously yelling at you and its getting on your nerves you dont want to do it so they need to get over it.

  2. Get a tape recorder and set it on record for days at a time.  It's the way I caught my daughter being rude to my niece and once she heard the tape, yes she was mad but... she turned her attitude around, at least in my home.

  3. It's not about getting your mom to side with you.

    It sounds like this guy is yelling at you for the sake of it- so every time he does think insults about him in your head but dont say them- that helps alot! Ignore him, agree with what he says and he will stop.

  4. Tell her you are her child and she should support you. If you are in the wrong thats different but just because you didn't go paint at his mom's is no reason for himt o be mad and certainly no reason to still be bringing it up. Sit your mom down and tell her how you feel. If she doesn't believe you that he's doing that then bring it up in front of him. Put him on the spot.

  5. Go talk to a councilor. Maybe that will help

  6. She probably isnt going to, seeing how you just "didnt want to" go paint when it was expected of you.  

  7. If he is doing something that is against the law (i.e. abusing you physically) report the matter to the police. If he's just hurting your feelings, get over it. Of course, you're not telling the whole story here - just the story as you see it - but why didn't you want to go over and paint? Why did you want your mother to "side" with you? Can you not deal with this on your own? Seriously, if she knows what's going on and is not siding with you she probably has a reason beyond not wanting unnecessary strain in her relationship because her child is being a brat. Experts say that the bio parent should deal with their own children but, really, the experts are not in the home while the teenagers are acting like jerks.

  8. Don't let it get to you. Trust me i have had my fair share of nasty comments from my brother and being told off by my parents and trust me just shake it off, even agree. If he calls you a name just say yer i am - don't get upset that shows him your weak, try to be strong.

  9. Sit down with your mom and tell her why you didnt want to go.It is hard sometimes mixing families. But if you sit down and explain. But if it is for the right reasons I am sure it won't be a big deal. As far as you helping him the last two days maybe he wants you to help him and just be around. You never know. Good luck  

  10. I dunno good luck

  11. what part of helping out don't you understand

    you should be doing and learning now so when you are grown you will have a good idea how things are done

  12. I feel if your a minor and your expected to help out, you better.  You can say you don't like the constant yelling.  

    It's not going to kill you to do some work. It's what builds a good character.

    h**l honey, my dad had me out inthe fields at age 10 working all day. It was up to me then too, to pay for all of my school clothes and hot lunches.
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