
Please someone interpret this dream --kinda long-- but PLEASE!! its bugging me?

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okay so i want this dream interpreted.

So okay i am 16 [Juinor in HS] and i dreampt (sp?) that when i was younger like in the 1-3 grade my grade took a field trip to some beach, i think it was the one in my town, and there was an earthquake or something and everthing went crazy and huge bolders were flying everywhere and 100 ppl. died. i know this because in my dream i seen a huge tombstone that said 100 kids.BUT THAT WASNT MY DREAM.that was like a memory i had in my dream. in this dream the only ppl i saw were my best friend, my ex best friend and these two boys that are best friends. and the dream was pretty much me having that memory and one of the boys having a video of the whole thing i guess he had a video camera in the water with him and he was recording while everyone was dying.also i remember running up to my elementary school and everyones parents being there and me running to my mom & hugged her. and i watched the tape and saw everyone dying, like kids hiting rocks & blood




  1. This dream may be interpreted on several different levels. If you are the student you may be feeling inadequate or lack self confidence. Either way, going to school or attending class in a dream is your unconscious reminder that there is a need for new learning and that you may have not learned an important lesson.

    Unlike some of the other dreams about natural disasters, earthquakes usually symbolize parts of the dreamer's physical reality rather than his emotional life. The earthquake in the dream may be representing financial difficulties, health issues, or any number of other problems that could occur in daily life. An experience that is "shaking" you up, and changing your daily life, could be creeping into your dream state and showing up as an earthquake.

    Dreaming of an earthquake is a warning: if you can withstand disturbances in life, you will find a new place or starting point. Earthquakes usually stand for sudden changes which take place in our personal or social lives. This dream does not mean that you can prevent these changes, but tells you to be firm and true to yourself if you want a positive outcome.

    Basic meaning: things are falling apart, some aspect in your life is on unsound footing.What is quaking, or in danger of falling apart, may be you or your life.Or do you need to look below the surface of yourself, into the depths of your unconscious, to see what is threatening to explode? Violence is usually caused by frustration. What part of you have you buried in the unconscious and robbed of its right to a place in your life?

    Since earth may represent mother, an earthquake could mean the breaking-up of your mother-attachment.Since earth may represent the unconscious, an earthquake may represent your fear of being swallowed up by your mother or mother-attachment, or some other unconscious complex.

    falling apart; conflict with your mother (since your mother is in  the dream); a sudden change in your daily life (something is upsetting your life).

    BloodLife,Conflict, war.

    It is the life-giving, vital part of our physiology and it may symbolize our strengths and weaknesses and our physical and mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time in your life, you may have dreams with bloody and frightening images. Don't worry, you may be venting your fears!

    Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of the dream has come to an end, and the worst is over. If you see someone else bleeding, you are concerned about your friend. Dreaming about bleeding always points to the emotional wounds that you don't acknowledge.

    Dreaming about death is very common and it can be interpreted in many different ways. Death is usually a symbol of some type of closure or end. It implies an end to one thing and a beginning of another.

    Now its up to you to put it together on whats bothering you in real life..goodluck!

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