Ok.....I have a senior dog and a puppy and they are both INFESTED with fleas...and these are not just any annoying fleas these are mutant fleas that don't die! Me and my family have tried just about everything but because of their age its so hard to be as aggressive as we want to. We've treated the yard by applying an Malathion all over and have bombed the house like absolute crazy (were talking like two bombs per room here people) and the fleas only got worse! Frontline, Advantage, Biospot none of it works and these fleas are probably laughing at all this natural stuff I'm trying like oils, rosemary and garlic..Don't worry I'm vaccumming like crazy and have tried literally everything to combat this...I'm afraid these fleas are going to drain my poor dogs dry! So if anyone out there knows if there is a natural way of killing these fleas please help me and I will be indited to you forever! Thank you