
Please <span title="HELP???????????????????????????????">HELP?????????????????????...</span>

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Ok I had a miscarriage at 15 weeks, and started to bleed on May29-June18.

Period on July 14-17 short one. very very light.

Period on Aug-11-16 Med, light, brown, clots.

I had s*x alot of times in around them times. My last time was Aug-15 last day of my period, was very brown to light red.

I don't feel myself ovulating at all now. So I really don't know. Does this sound normal? I talk to the doc already and he said it fine. I'm I likely to get pregnant really fast, or not chance. My doc said YES very high chance.

Today I was really emotional, dull back ach, and light cramps. white stuff on my underwear? could i be ovulating? I called the doc already? Why aren't the cramp normal?




  1. I&#039;m so sorry for your loss!

    From what you said it looks like you have 29-30 day cycles and if you typically have a 14 day luteal phase this would be the right timing for you to be ovulating.  My guess is that&#039;s exactly what&#039;s BD sister!

    It&#039;s a good sign for ovulation that your periods are regular.  I&#039;ve heard that following a MC your hormones levels are high and does give you more of a chance to get pregnant quickly.  

    Good luck!!!

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