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What the freaking h**l is with teenage comb-overs?!

I'm 18 and I myself cannot get my head around it- the fact they can't see out one eye, they have to hold their hair up while they walk around, they spend more on hairspray than food, they look like a communist army, you can't see their faces for their hair, they associate all hair with music genre, they can't play sport for the sake of their hair, you can't tell one gender from the other for the sake of their HAIR!

And why this sudden outburst? Because an emo just told me I'm g*y for being "so unoriginal" with my music taste- just because I like Coldplay?! :O





  1. ok

  2. being emo itself is unoriginal becuz all of them are trying to conform to one style and one label just to be excepted by the other emos. its stupid

  3. Because stupid people are always looking for the next wave to catch

  4. I think you have the term "Comb over"

    Comb over: an attempt by a balding person to grow the remaining hair longer and comb it over the bald spot to give the illusion of hair

    You are talking about side bangs... And you are stupid:P

    I understand that you hate that they think they are all being original and all that but they whole "comb over" thing is rediculous

  5. What I hate is when guys have better hair then me!! I get jealous over a guys hair, how sad!! I remember though when long hair was the "in" thing during the early 90's, my dad even had hair down to his but. Lol. It is just a phase like everything else, it too shall pass and the next crazy thing will be there to take it's place.

  6. You say "they" as if you're not a teenager yourself. You're 18...

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