
Please suggest a good brand of Hard Disk?

by Guest66790  |  earlier

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Please suggest a good brand of Hard Disk? Something that's reliable and not known to crash

Thanks in advance!




  1. Seagate or samsung

  2. Depends what you want it for.

    If it is gaming etc I would recommend a Western Digital Raptor.

    Otherwise I would say just go with a Maxtor/Seagate

  3. Hi,

    You can choose 350 GB hard disk as it is good in terms of performance. It is equipped with perpendicular recording technology for maximum drive capacity, clean sweep calibration and directed offline scan diagnostics. It comes with reasonable range. For more information u can call on 080-41606393 or 022-65240216  (M-F, 10 AM - 7 PM)

    or email us at


  4. Western Digital

  5. Seagate or Western Digital,  

  6. Go for Seagate, best in today's world.

  7. Seagate with 7200 RPM

  8. Seagate or samsung is good enough, but do take backups regularly as HDD are often prone to failure without warning;)

    Cheers !!  

  9. -Barracuda Seagate



  10. Seagate are usually considered to have reliability.

    Western Digital and Maxtor are both about the same (I've had WD and Maxtor drives die on me).

    In general though, you should depend less on a drive that is deemed "better quality" to safeguard your files, instead, backup often.

  11. SEAGATE.

    or u can select frm the following-



  12. Seagate or Maxtor!  

  13. if you are looking for a high performance and high price, then go for Sandisk, if you are looking for medium performance and medium price go for seagate

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