
Please suggest any objects in nature which have mathematical shapes.?

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Please suggest any objects in nature which have mathematical shapes.?




  1. Depends on how precise you want to be.  Crystals are very precisely geometric.  The patterns of flowers (often pentagons) are often slightly curved.   The pattern of waves of a pebble dropped straight into liquid is a circle.   The pattern of orbiting objects is ellipses.    Small falling drops and small rising bubbles are spheres.

  2. fractals,

    or ammonites , beehives , um the golden ratio

  3. Actually most things in nature are fractals from mountains to trees, leaves, river estuaries, etc so all are mathematical shapes.

    Waves can also be easily described mathematically - this includes sand dunes as much as water - as can the effects of waves as in sand deposits along a shoreline

    Then there are the obvious geometric shapes such as snowflakes but also most astronomical bodies such as the earth (oblate spheroid) to stars (spheres)

  4. Snail shells are a logarithmic spiral.

    There is a giant hexagon on the north pole of Saturn.

  5. the earth is an oblate spheroid, not a sphere.  but you can find all kinds of mathematical shapes.

    Look as salt its crystalline structure is highly ordered and cubic in nature.

    Snow flakes are another crystalline structure that is based on a pentagon, caused by the angle of the hydrogen atoms with respect to the oxygen atom, which is exactly 105 degrees.

    Bubbles are in the absence of wind perfect spheres.

  6. The granite blocks at the coastline of Ireland: hexagonal rocks.

  7. earth is in spherical shape.

  8. I suggest you check out a copy of Steven Wolfram's "New Kind of Science" from your local library. Dr. Wolfram explores math in nature in an interesting fashion and ties how the geometry of nature has been inculcated into our subconcious and thereby into the things we humans construct.

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