
Please suggest medicine for 7 year old girl's bed wetting?

by  |  earlier

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she had stopped bed wetting for about a year, but now its quite regular. had given 3days course of sulphur 30.




  1. There is a special alarm you can get which wakes you up to remind you to go to the toilet. She shouldn;t drink at least 6 hours before bed. She probably gets into a very deep sleep. The alarm can help with that. Also pelvic floor exercises will help immensely. It is very common, do not worry.

    Medication unless there is something medically wrong with her (which should be dealt with by a urologist) should not be used.

  2. it could be behavioral or medical.  i would have her see the dr to be sure.  i know i wet the bed until i was 12.  my mom thought i was doing it to be spiteful.  she finally took me to the dr.  the dr told us that the reason i was wetting the bed was because i slept very soundly.  i was sleeping at one step above being comatose, and my brain wasn't getting the signal that i had to pee.

    i went thru a company called Pacific International, and my case worker, Vicki, set me up with a special pad that would activate an alarm when the pad was wet.  you could look into something like that if the dr recommends it.

    good luck!

  3. I would suggest going to a doctor to have her checked out; she may have something that is causing her to do this.

    Now, when I was younger my stepsister did the same thing, up until she was seven herself. She had taken medicine before, and nothing seemed to work. So, the doctor actually told my step dad to make her pee before she went to bed and to take a table spoon of honey right before she went to sleep. As funny as it sounds, it actually worked. I remember waking up one morning (I was about 5 at the time and we shared a room), expecting for her sheets to be stripped, and they weren't. She was still sleeping and the sheets were dry. After doing the honey thing for a year, the problem seem to just go away. I'm not sure if it was a phsychological thing, but the problem was fixed.

    Anyway, good luck. :)

  4. Try a fluid schedule as well.

  5. Don't stress over it. There are medications, but these have risks that are worse than the night water. Reassure her she is normal, offer her nappies or pull-ups (some are made for older kids with bedwetting), and just give her "tincture of time".

    I wet the bed as a child. I wish my parents had let me use a nappy instead of waking wet every day. Nevertheless, I grew out of it. This young lass will grow out of it too.


  6. In school, we are taught that if a child who is dry starts wetting again, SOMETHING is wrong. She could have a UTI. I suggest you take her to the doc.

  7. To my knowledge,time is the best Medicine! My Nephew was 12 years old when he stopped bed wetting! Some Children at 4/5 and older never do,while others like my Nephew for some reason take much longer! There might a Medical reason,so check with your care giver for advice!  Good-Luck!

  8. patience understanding and reassurance

  9. All kids just do things at their own pace. My little brother is 7 and he wets the bed. It makes him really unhappy because he feels like a baby. He has to wear pull ups. My mum just gives him his last drink with his dinner and at lifts him to go to the bathroom before she goes to bed. It seems to be working and he is having more dry nights.

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