
Please suggest some good 2nd grade homework assignments for the first week of school?

by Guest62392  |  earlier

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Easy and non-academic




  1. Maybe write What they think would be a good school project involve the kids in that then look at there ideas through th year a pick and sorta change it a little to go with the curriculum

  2. My favorite assignment is the Me Bag- brown paper bag or similar size where students include 4-5 items that tell about themselves. My example (done on orientation night and the first day of school) includes a tennis ball, my family picture, yarn for knitting, frogs (fav. animal) and my favorite children's book (the Borrowers). The 2 key elements are: items must fit in the bag, and the student must be able to talk about why they chose that item.

    I send home a paper explaining this for parents who did not attend orientation and give parents and students up to 1 week to gather items (this way they can have the weekend to think). We share a few a day until all Me Bags have been discussed. This is easy, quick, and lets us learn about our classmates and practice public speaking.

  3. All about me booklets!!!Make them draw or write about theirselves,their family members,wat they like to do(hobbies),their favorite subjects and favorite things:food,drink,show stuff like that hings they want to do throughout the year or like trips they want to go 2!!!Hope I helped!!:D

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