
Please take a look at my s***n analysis results and let me know if this is a problem?

by  |  earlier

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Immobile - 56%

Normal with Rapid Progression - 44%

Volume - 2.5ml

Concentration - 31 10*6mL

I have been trying with my wife to get pregnant for a year, do you think my results have anything to do with it?

My doctor said it's a bit below normal but OK.

Many thanks in advance :-(




  1. Consider 'artificial insemination' if it is still available.  You will be asked for your family history, her family history, etc.  An anonymous suitable donor coming close to both your histories, will be selected by the doctor.  It works, if it is still an available option.

  2. Well dude I don't know what to tell you But , go here and it explins every little thing about your exam

    And hopefully you and your wife get pregnant and have a baby soon...

  3. I've read that for good results, only half should be immobile, so like the doctor said, a little below normal, but not by much. So it might mean it'll take longer for your wife to get pregnant, but if that is the only problem, I wouldn't think it's a permanent problem.

    Try changing your diet and all the other things that'll get suggested to help the swimmers, but assuming there are no other problems, I think it'll just take time.

  4. Well, the results show that over half of your spermatozoa are not moving, meaning, they're not gonna get your wife pregnant, which is a bit below normal. However, the count seems to be about right (31 million per ml), and your doctor did say you're ok, so it probably isn't the only reason.

    There are other factors to consider: your wife's fertility test, stress, ovulation periods, etc.

  5. go to  and ask a doctor

  6. You just got to time it right when she is ovulating which they have kits she can use to tell her when and on that morning and night pound her really hard.

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